Day Two: Making a new site

Last Update: June 06, 2012

A New Site

I decided to start a new blog to promote Girl Gets Ring on clickbank. It's:

I have a site that I'm working on to help men get dates on online dating sites, so I figured why not start a site that will help women get men to commit to them. We'll see how it goes.

In the past I haven't really been to open about my sites. It took me forever, just to list a few of the sites I have in my profile. To be honest most of my sites I haven't worked on. Kind of lost interest in the subject. Dating is one subject that always keeps me interested.

I decided to be very open about this new blog and the progress I'm making building it and marketing it. Hopefully, this will help keep me motivated to continue working on it.

Game plan

As mentioned I think I will post the progress I'm making on the site daily. Basic things like what I did and what I'm going to do the next day. I'll probably loosely follow the "Getting Started" tutorial.

New Routine

Recently I broke the 200 pound mark for the first time in my life. I still look like I have an athletic build with my shirt on, but I'm starting to get a little bit of a gut.

As a result, I decided to start running when I get home from my work. So far I've been doing it the past three days and I plan on doing it until an undetermined point in the future. This has definitely been helping me get over the afternoon slump.

Usually, when I get home in the afternoon I'm kind of tired and I feel like taking a nap. I'm not sure if it's the drive home from work that does it to me or what. If I do give in and take a nap I lose the valuable time that I could be working on my business.

So far when I go running after work it has been having the effect of waking me up and making me more alert. I'll keep doing it.

Progress Today

  1. Registered the domain
  2. changed the name servers to the name servers of the hosting company I use
  3. added domain to an excel file that I maintain which keeps track of what domains i have, who I registered them through, where it's hosted at, etc.
  4. Setup domain as an add on domain for my hosting account
  5. Installed wordpress, downloaded latest version of Thesis theme, uploaded thesis theme to my wordpress install
  6. activate askimet plug in, input my akismet key, installed google xml sitemaps plugin
  7. installed google analytics, link to google webmaster tools
  8. Created a privacy policy page, compensation disclosure page, Home page, blog page, and an about page.
  9. Changed thesis settings to two columns, full width framework, turned off the media box, turned off the interior layout borders.
  10. changed permalinks to "post name"
  11. Made this blog post.
Total Time to do this: about 2.5 hours.

Plan For Tomorrow

  1. Begin creating core content for the site
  2. Decide how wide I want the site to be, so I can have a header created for it.
  3. Take privacy policy and compensation disclosure out of the menu and move them to the footer
  4. Browse through some thesis "skins" and see if there are any that I like.
  5. Probably add some content to the home page for now, but it will probably end up being replaced.
That's it for tonight. See you guys and gals tomorrow! :)

P.S. - Day 1 was yesterday. The articles I outsourced are for this site.
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Sielke Premium
Good stuff. Where are you running at? Exercising really helps my focus so I completely support that aspect of your plan. This is a interesting niche, it's very competitive but theres always a space for those who want to pursue it.
ThomasPaul Premium
I just run down the street I live on. Yeah, it will be interesting. My main goal is to take consistent action. I find my biggest downfall is starting things and not finishing or following through with them.
veronica.l Premium
Great accomplishment and great plan, good luck with you new project!
ThomasPaul Premium
Thanks Vicky!
MikeyT Premium
Hey Thomas, great blog post! I can definitely identify with what you've written and especially promoting the GGR product. I haven't yet started promoting it, but will do very soon. Currently still working on MOMU. Happy to say my site made it thru the Google sandbox and actually scored my first sale last week based purely on page rank. A friend has a dating site based in Asia and I've always considered dating sites. Maybe I can tap you for some info in the future!?

I also desperately need to start back with the fitness again! I was doing well, up until a year ago, but I've let it slide (Have got fat and happy in a new relationship so I'm not too down on myself!) I was running a few charity 10K (6 Miles) events and enjoying it as I'm not a natural runner. Anyway I'm going to try and motivate myself to get back into it because of your post! It's a wakeup call :-)
ThomasPaul Premium
Hey Mike,

I never got around to promoting MOMU. That's great to hear that you made a sale! Keep on working it! Yeah, definitely hit me up if you have any questions, I'm no expert but I may be able to help you.

That's good that you're happy in a new relationship. I'm still looking(kind of). I haven't really found anyone I'd be interested in being in a relationship with, but I can't say that I've really put myself out there too much and actively searched.
Trek-shooter Premium
This is a great blog post, I have been thinking about promoting this product as well and like you said it's something about the dating niche that also keeps me interested. Also i feel the same way as you. I do my jogging after I have finished work and feel so tired. But I come home grab a cup of tea and start working away keeping myself motivated

Looking forward to seeing you update us on this project

ThomasPaul Premium
Hey Josh,

Drinking tea is one thing I've thought about doing. I would be getting the caffeine boost without all the sugar of soda. I've been wanting to cut down on my soda intake.
surelybits good l hope you will find very many of them.For are quite a number and many.