Posts by ThomasPaul 29
November 26, 2010
I just got back to Hawaii after being in San Diego for three months for work.  It feels soooo good to finally sleep in my own bed again and drive my own car.  San Diego is nice, but I start to miss my belongings after awhile.  I took some time off from work.  It's nice to be able to take it easy and relax for a bit.  Also, to be able to do some IM without having to squeeze it into whatever time I have left after work.  Toodles.... :P Thomas
June 06, 2010
That's right.  I did it.  I said screw this hair thing, I'm just going to BIC it.  On friday night I bought a set of clippers and got it as short as I could and then I just shaved the rest off with a razor blade.  I'm feeling really good about it.  I really like it and I'm going to keep it like this indefinitely.  Other news:  I am still continuing with my workout plan.  I'm really excited about this.  It's the longest I've been on it and this is the
May 09, 2010 having my room the way that I want it.  I moved about two months ago and a lot of my stuff has remained in boxes, which leads me to ask myself "How much of this do I really need?".  I'm kind of a pack rat so I keep all sorts of things that I really don't need until I can look back and see how ridiculous it is for me to have kept in so long.  I made progress tonight.  I'm not totally unpacked however my room is looking a lot better.  I have a lot more free
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I started working out again at the beginning of this week.  This is the third time I've started this workout program.  The other times I started the workout program I became overwhelmed at all the information and new things I had to do.  I eventually became overwhelmed and stopped. I feel pretty good about working out this time around.  I think this is the time that I will really nail it and get some great results in 6 months to a year.  Even though I stopped the workout
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I get just a little bit excited over it.  ;)  One of my favorite meals!
It seems over the past year or two I've let my life get kind of stale.  I've focused so much on making money, I forgot to enjoy life as well.  Maybe I didn't forget, I just seemed to have put it on the back burner to come back to it once I have the money thing down.  I've been reexamining that thought.  It seems like I'm not as happy as I used to be.  I'm going to start creating the life I want now.  Instead, of working myself to death, I'm going to start enjoying l
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I slept in till noon today.  Saturday's are days that I usually take off and relax.  I still do stuff, it's just that I'm not in too much of a hurry to do it.  What do I want to do today.  I think I might write some emails to women on and give some friends and family a call.  Maybe get some ice cream.  Who knows, I'll just see where the day takes me.  :)
April 14, 2010
I've been thinking about my way of thinking and how I behave.  It seems that I like to be able to do things in one sitting.  I like to be able to work and get things done.  This is fine for shorter projects, however for longer projects this doesn't serve me well.  Since I am unable to do things in one sitting I don't start on them.  Since I don't start on them I never finish them or make any progress.  I've started doing things differently.  For example, I just
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March 07, 2010
Well, I have never been much for posting status updates, so we'll see where this goes!!!