Posts by TJ Books 34
July 12, 2012
Does Google boost sites in the listings in which they hold ownership? Hmmm? Well, read this and draw your own conclusions:
July 12, 2012
Fifty years ago, the first global broadcast took place when Walter Cronkite used the Telstar Satellite to announce the event to the United States and Europe. In 1957 I graduated from the University of Utah and worked on the development of the aluminum oxide substrates that were the base for the solar cells. The satellite was launced at the time I was returning to graduate school.This was an exciting time in technology and we worked on many ceramics for nuclear, electronic, chemical and mechanica
Is This Program a ScamOne of the techniques used by Internet Marketers is to write a post or article called: Is the ABC Money-Making Program a Scam? Marketers know that there are hundreds of searches made everyday for “a scam.” JAXXY says over 60,000 searches each month or a couple of thousand a day.I use the technique. I get good response to such and ad. I catch the readers eye and then I tell him why the program I am pushing is not a scam.But there are many scams out there. Some ar
July 07, 2012
As you probably know, storms, fires, floods and high temperatures have been striking many parts of the country. Some folks have been without power for long periods. Some have lost or had severe damage to their homes. There also has been deaths and suffering. Since our members are part of the general population being threatened, some have had damage to their properties and suffered in other ways. Because we live far apart, it is difficult at such times to help each other, but the members here are
Here is a free and easy to use screenshot application if you aren't sure how:, if you like to make YouTube videos, here is a program to get started. It also is free.John
I've had to spend many an hour in a physics classroom, sometimes because I had to and sometimes because I wanted to. When I was an engineering professor at Iowa State University I use to join an electrical engineering professor in graduate classes in the physics department. We only set in on the most incomprehensible courses where I was probably the only one that didn't know what the heck was going on.I remember during the last quarter of a solid state physics course when our genius inst
Fellow Americans, I hope you are having a great day as we celebrate the birth of our country. The Declaration of Independence spelled out our concerns to King George III, a mentally ill monarch with good intentions. He felt that his government had the right to tax the Colonies because that is what he was doing worldwide. Great Britain had put a tremendous amount of money into our war with the French. He wanted to get that money back several fold.But our forefathers wanted their freedom. That is
Some of the folks on Chat have been having fun with this keyword tool. It gives nothing but keywords and more keywords. I'm amazed at how many it gives for a single search and you can dig as deep as you want. I'm going to use this tool for two purposes:1. To find every keyword in the universe which I can take to JAAXY and find what the competition looks like. is really fast and it will save some time on JAAXY.2. This tool, like Amazon, DMOZ and Ebay, is a great p
July 01, 2012
My brother use to call the comics The Intellectual Page. Comics are the reason I take the newspaper. But is a good substitute.And I want the news.The New York Times site is best for me. So I could live without the “local rag” which is mainly about potatoes and cattle with a sprinkling of wheat.Looking at these sites should give you a pretty good idea about what an information site should look like, The information you are looking for is easy to find. Look at the navigati
Juggling your affiliate marketing workload can be a problem. It depends on how you approach things. To get the idea watch how juggling of three balls is done: instructor said not to start with balls but with beanbags. That way you will not have balls bouncing all over the place. Then he shows you how to juggle one ball or bag from one hand to the other. He points out the trajectory of the ball and the motion of the hands.Now, my son should b