Posts by Tjmrkt 4
September 23, 2010
      Mediocrity is a place and it is bordered on the north by     compromise, on the south by indecision, on the east by     past thinking, and on the west by lack of vision                                          Jason Mason 
1 comment
September 10, 2010
     U can be anything U want to be, if only U believe with sufficient    conviction & act in accordance with your faith: for whatever the   mind can conceive & believe, the mind can achieve.                               Napoleon Hill          peace! 
May 31, 2010
             At the present time I'm focusing on three area in my life. 1st. Gym: my goal is to work-out between 3-> 8 hours per week 2nd: self: I want to spend between 3-> 8 hours per week being by myself to review my plans, goals, and to think 3th: WA: I want to spend between 5 -> 15 hours per week working here @ WA and/or any other biz venture that would make me a better marketer ,self-reliant enterpreneur this past week 5/2 -> 5
May 20, 2010
     I've started the new action plan and i'm very exicted. I read though the    finding a niche section, and I have a niche 'Real estate Investor'   now it's time to research that market , wish me luck