
Last Update: August 30, 2010



At the present time I'm focusing on three area in my life.

1st. Gym: my goal is to work-out between 3-> 8 hours per

2nd: self: I want to spend between 3-> 8 hours per week
being by myself to review my plans, goals, and
to think

3th: WA: I want to spend between 5 -> 15 hours per week
working here @ WA and/or any other biz venture that
would make me a better marketer ,self-reliant

this past week 5/2 -> 5/8,
Gym= 3hrs
self = 3.5 hrs
WA = 3.5 hrs

WA was a failure. did not meet the min. 5hrs
got to focus more.

know anyone who want to be buddies <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">




this week 5/9-> 5/15

Gym= 3hrs ( 3 to 8hrs)
self= 5.5hrs ( 3 to 7hrs)
Wa = 5hrs ( 5 to 15hrs)

This week I made my min. of 11hrs per-week total
on the area's of my life I want to focus on more


 This week 5/16 --> 5/22


     Gym= 3hrs    ( 3 to 8hrs)

     Self=  3.5hrs  ( 3 to 7hrs)

      WA= 4hrs     ( 5 to 15hrs)


         This week WA fail short of min. 5hrs

          need to step-it up focus more 


    The week  5/23 --> 5/29


        Gym= 2hrs        ( 3 to 8hrs)

        self =  3.5hrs     ( 3 to 7hrs)

        WA = 2.5hrs     ( 5 to 15hrs)


         This week was a failure in 2 area, Gym & WA

         did not meet the min. in those area's. got to

         put the firer to my behind and focus..focus!!! 


     The week 5/30 ---> 6/5


        Gym= 3hrs.    (3 to 8hrs)

        self =  3.5hrs  (3 to 7hrs)

        Wa =  5.5hrs  (5 to 15hrs)


        meet all min. keep-up the pace


      The week  6/6 ---> 6/12


        Gym= 4hrs     ( 3 to 8hrs)

         self=  4hrs     ( 3 to 7hrs)

        Wa =  5hrs     ( 5 to 15hrs)


          meet all min. keep going


       The week 6/13 ---> 6/19


     Gym=  1hrs     (3 to 8hrs)

     self  =  5hrs     (3 to 7hrs)

     Wa  =  6hrs     (5 to 15hrs)


      Gym was a failure, self & Wa made the grades


         The week 6/20 ---> 6/26


        Gym= 3hrs     (3 to 8hrs)

        self = 3.5hrs   ( 3 to 7hrs)

        Wa = 2.5hrs   ( 5 to 15hrs)


        Wa was a failure, Gym&self made the grades

        2nd week we had a failure. pick it up FOCUS!!!  


        The week of June/27 ----> July 3


             Gym= 0 hrs     (3 to 8 hrs)

              self = 2.5hrs   ( 3 to 7 hrs)

             WA = 6hrs      ( 5 to 15hrs)


           Gym & self fail to make the grades

           Wa made the grade

            2 failure this week  unsat!!

            third week of a failure, need to come-up

            with something that would hold me more acct.   


         The week of July 4 ---> July 10


              Gym= 3 hrs     (3 to 8 hrs)

              self =  4.5hrs   ( 3 to 7hrs)

              Wa=   5.5hrs   ( 5 to 15hrs)


              total hrs 13hrs meet min. good job. 


        The  week of July 11 ----> July 17


              Gym= 3 hrs       ( 3 to 8 hrs)

              self =  4.5hrs     ( 3 to 7 hrs)

              WA=  6 hrs       ( 5 to 15hrs)


             Good job meet min. 13.5 hrs


         The week of July 18 ---> July 24


              Gym= 3hrs         ( 3 to 8 hrs)

               self = 3.5 hrs     ( 3 to 7 hrs)

              Wa  = 7 hrs        ( 5 to 15 hrs)


            Did a little better than min. keep it-up 13.5hrs


         The week of July 25 ---> July 31


                  Gym = 3 hrs      ( 3 to 8 hrs)

                   self =  4 hrs      ( 3 to 7 hrs)

                   Wa =  7.5 hrs   (  5 to 15 hrs)


              Great job, better than min. 14.5 hrs   


          The week of Aug 1 ----> Aug 7


                  Gym= 1.5 hrs      ( 3 to 8 hrs)

                   self = 3.5 hrs      ( 3 to 7 hrs)

                   Wa = 4 hrs         ( 5 to 15 hrs)

                           9 hrs            11 to 30 hrs


              Gym & Wa were failures, lost focus

                regain focus, push self, pick-it-up


           The week of Aug 8 ---> Aug 15


              Gym= 3 hrs        ( 3 to 8 hrs)

              self =  3.5 hrs     ( 3 to 7 hrs)

              Wa =  6.5 hrs     ( 5 to 15hrs)

                        13 hrs


                 Better than last week, keep-it-up


         The week of Aug 16 ----> Aug21


             Gym= 0 hrs           ( 3 to 8 hrs)

             self = 3.5 hrs        ( 3 to 7 hrs)

             Wa = 7.5 hrs          ( 5 to 15 hrs)

                        11 hrs


                 Gym was a failure, self & Wa meet min.


           The week of Aug 22 ---> Aug 28


                Gym = 2 hrs          (3 to 8 hrs)

                 self = 3 hrs           ( 3 to 7 hrs)

                 Wa = 6.5 hrs        ( 5 to 15 hrs)

                           11.5 hrs


             Gym fail to make the grades 2 weeks in a row

             self & Wa made the min. push self more





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