Posts by Usapt 2
I spent my first three months in internet marketing staring at my computer screen. Really.  I read, and read, and read until I was seeing double. You see, I suffer from major skepticism, particularly with anything that preaches overnight success, or instant riches. I was fortunate enough to be taught by my Dad that “if it seems to good to be true, then turn around and run like hell”. Truer words were never spoken. This lesson has served me well in my 43 years on this earth. Yet for so
Hey guys! I'm just in from work in Southeast Alabama and it's a little cool for a change! Anyway I thought I would comment on something I've had a question about for a while... The question?.... What would happen to my front page, #1 spot-for-8-months-running Ezinearticle article If I edited it and re-submitted it on EA? Why would anyone want to do this anyway? My reasons would be maybe to change the resource box to hopefully obtain better clickthrough. However this EA article is getting appro