On Being A Successful Internet Marketer...You Must Have Faith!

Last Update: June 08, 2010

I spent my first three months in internet marketing staring at my computer screen. Really.  I read, and read, and read until I was seeing double. You see, I suffer from major skepticism, particularly with anything that preaches overnight success, or instant riches. I was fortunate enough to be taught by my Dad that “if it seems to good to be true, then turn around and run like hell”. Truer words were never spoken. This lesson has served me well in my 43 years on this earth. Yet for some reason I was drawn to what the Information Superhighway had to offer in terms of building a business…a REAL business from scratch, despite the endless in-your-face tactics promising instantly profitable internet marketing riches.

It just made sense. I knew at the core, although bruised and tattered on the surface from all of the “less than ethical” marketers, the internet was a place where one could build financial independence without getting another degree or investing one’s life savings. But three months into it I had nothing to show. Nada. I would read what seemed like a perfectly laid out plan for making money, and even do some keyword research and buy a domain. Yet when it came down actually getting my hands dirty and writing articles, posting to blogs, etc… I froze. I was held back by every negative emotion imaginable. And my lack of taking action in those three months was due to that one phrase popping up over, and over, and over…”this plan won’t work cause it sounds to good to be true”.

What I lacked was faith that this “affiliate marketing” thing would actually work. Even though I had all the enthusiasm in the world, I could not muster enough motivation to actually take action. My lack of faith held me back. If you remember in Napoleon Hill’s “Think And Grow Rich”, faith was said to be the “catalyst” for all things dreamed of (that is my paraphrase of Mr. Hill’s statement). Without faith no action will ever be taken. Our logical brains will map out the perfect plan on paper of how to succeed at internet marketing. You may have had a flash of inspiration while driving in the car or laying down at night such a “perfect plan”. And if you ever took any action towards this plan it was FAITH that got you going. We use our faith everyday and don’t realize it. We have faith that our legs will hold us up when getting out of bed. If we didn’t we would never get out of bed.

Now the great thing about faith is that you can call it into action at will. Don’t underestimate its raw power. Use your faith to know that you will succeed at this internet marketing thing no matter what, and soon you will reap the rewards of great faith. When you feel you are about to give up, call your faith to the front lines and use it. Your logical brain has already told you your plan will work, so have faith and KNOW it will and take ACTION.

God Bless,


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