Re-submitting Ezinearticles - What Will Happen?

Last Update: October 16, 2009

Hey guys! I'm just in from work in Southeast Alabama and it's a little cool for a change! Anyway I thought I would comment on something I've had a question about for a while... The question?....

What would happen to my front page, #1 spot-for-8-months-running Ezinearticle article If I edited it and re-submitted it on EA?

Why would anyone want to do this anyway? My reasons would be maybe to change the resource box to hopefully obtain better clickthrough. However this EA article is getting approximately 60% click through and has earned me about $900 dollars over the past 8 months and NOT something I would necessarily want to change. Definitely not "get rich" numbers, but respectable if you had 10-20 other article doing the same thing...

 But the question still loomed in my head about every other day-- "What would happen If I edited or re-submitted an article?"

Well I got my mistake. I was writing some articles for another website and remembered my "charmed" resource box but couldn't remember the "<a href... format. "Simple", I thought.. I'll just  view it and use the same format for my new article. Sooooo, instead of clicking "view", I clicked "edit" by mistake. That's not a problem, IF you hit cancel. But instead I had a neural spasm and clicked the wrong button and ended up re-submitting my article. Ezinearticles tells you that once you resubmit an article it is taken off the web until it is approved again.

"That's just GREAT!" I thought. Now I'm going to lose my number 1 position because it will take a minimum of a few days for them to approve it again and Google will "do there thing" and it will be gone, and I'll never regain that top spot again. 

Well to my surprise this didn't happen. Ezine staff approved my article THE NEXT DAY! AND.... I didn't lose my top spot!

So for anyone wondering what would happen if they edit their ranking article in Ezinearticles, now you know. Not a problem.



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