Posts by Wandah 13
The past 3 weeks have been a blur of disbelief and fog as I try to navigate the waves of loss from the sudden death of my husband. Today is the first day I have ventured back to the WAU community, It is here that I that I believe I can find the help and support I will need to find the financial success that will be my sole income in the year ahead.   Gods un failing love is the substance of human spirit at this time. I will be back with
For those of you already a click bank member you more than likely  know about and have used the Compete website.  I found this tool very helpful in checking out the viability of affiliates that I am researching to promote.  The free part of this tool gives you a graph data and stats to show you exactly how the product you are research in doing in the market place.  I find using Compete along with a few other tools helps take the guess work out of  picking affiliates that
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  Here is a little story (of unknown origin) that helps to illustrate a difficulty that many people will face at some time in their life.   A man found an eagle's egg and put it in the nest of a barnyard hen. The eagle hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them. All his life, the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken. He scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and cackled. And he thrashed his wings and flew a few feet in t
You know how you have all the kitchen gadgets everywhere and most sit on a shelf or in a drawer, well once in a well a gadget comes along that you just can't do without. THE EMOTIONAL MARKETING VALUE HEADLINE ANALYZER is one of those gadgets.  Its amazing and especially if you are still in the learners box for writing. This tool will  determine the Emotional Marketing Value of your headline.  We do know that when you have touched some deep emotional cord within your customer you
I have read several posts and comments from women who have joined this WAU community. Some of you which are struggling in a sea of overwelmn and doubt.  Really ladies we are all of one heart. We have come together in this common place to join forces to make a change in our lives and those around us.  With that journey towards change comes the forces of balancing an already very busy life style . Everything from  the men and kids in our lives, to many of us working a full time job
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     Embracing the power of gratitude is life changing.  How true it's! We all encounter adversity in our life. Nevertheless, it's not the actual adversity, but how all of us react to this that will figure out the joy as well as happiness in our life. During tough times, will we spend too much time feeling sorry for ourselves, or can we, along with the power of  gratitude...learn how to dance in the rain? This almost sounds to simple to really feel important, but embr
March 05, 2011
    I need to share that WAU has the most amazing keyword research tool and system that I have ever worked with.  The emails that KYle and Carson keep sending out are jam packed with hints and info.  Success Club Day 4: Research 10 article concepts following the keyword finding process. Maybe I just could not see the forest for the trees. But this is the very best information I have ever received to understand what needs to done for successful keyword research.  I have u
March 04, 2011
  A positive attitude in life is not only a proven attraction marketing magnet a infectious positive attitude is the winning formula for all areas of our lives. Show me a happy and successful person and I will venture to say you won't find a negative fiber in their body. Over the past 25 years , one of my biggest challenges in living and sharing my life with troubled broken teens , is the process of shifting their defeating negative attitude to a  realm of  the positive and gaini
  Turn yourself onto the blueprint of self discipline that will turn you into a winner. Blueprint  # 1 Master Your Habits.  Did you know controlling bad habits opens the door to save time? A winner is any person with a strange sense of self-control. Losers exercise very little control. High achievers in life have one common denominator,they have mastered their habits.  Low achievers in life fail because of lack of self discipline. Choosing the past of least resistance, for lo
I feel not everyone is cut out to succeed in Internet Marketing. I think a lot of people think its an easy way to make money. Not so. Internet Marketing is a profession like any other profession. The learning curve is huge, just as if you were going to enroll in a college course or university for the career you would like to make your own. The plus for learning Internet Marketing is you are building a business of your own. Also it is a fraction of the cost to invest in for your learning and so