A Tribute To The Women In This Community.

Last Update: March 08, 2011

I have read several posts and comments from women who have joined this WAU community. Some of you which are struggling in a sea of overwelmn and doubt. 

Really ladies we are all of one heart. We have come together in this common place to join forces to make a change in our lives and those around us. 

With that journey towards change comes the forces of balancing an already very busy life style . Everything from  the men and kids in our lives, to many of us working a full time job out of the home, and all the other extra commitments  in our daily lives

 Perhaps there is financial challenges or health challenges. Ladies we all carry a heavy bag of  chaos and concerns at one time or another during our week.

There are times when frustration and the feeling of being overwhelmed take over, throwing us into flurry of broken focus and loss of direction. 

We  share a common thread by being here in Wau. Learning to run a successful business is not for sissies, or whiners. You girls are here because you have what it takes to bring  it on and come out of the other side of Wau with all the skill sets you will gain to become successful business women. 

You will be a successful woman. Believe in yourself now, and remember how wonderfully  God made you to accomplish what you have set out to do. 

Do not be afraid to share a bad day with the rest of us. Believe you me , we all have those days. 

Sharing means we can lift each other up and support and encourage each other to keep running to the finish line of success in our endeavors. 

Here is tribute to your worthiness as a woman. 

The Woman

 Attitude of Gratitude





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WandaD Premium
Thank you for sharing this Wanda - (it is SO strange to call someone else Wanda!) - this really struck a chord with me. WE CAN DO IT!