Strategies For Overcoming Procrastination In Your Life

Last Update: February 26, 2011

Have you ever had those time warps when it is just much easier to be doing this and that and oops I'll just go quick and throw a load of laundry in and then on the way out of that room you see all the cushions on the living room floor so that draws your attention and so on . You get the gest of it I am sure.

Mean while there's this yappie little voice annoying the heck out of you.  " You don't have your keyword research done for that article that you need to get up for tomorrow,"

These are just examples of that big P procrastination  You probably have your own little stories to tell. 

I had come across a great little book some time ago that is a classic on procrastination.

You may find the this delightful  format of Brian Tracy book  Eat The Frog encouraging as well as helpful.

You can check out  Stratgies To Overcome Procrastination In Your Life 

Have great day and fun writing those articles.


Attitude With Gratitude


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