WAU On Top Of Google Search Engine Scene

Last Update: February 25, 2011

Hi There. http://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wap/103160/images/success internet marketing.jpg" width="84" height="126" />

Yes I am darn excited this morning. I am a brand new member of this community and after being around the block for a year and a half, I now enter a new system of learning with some degree of caution. 

Now I know that you folks who have been here from the birth of WAU know the value you have with this company. 

Now as newbies we have to see results and build a relationship of trust that WAU is actually going to deliver on there promises to provide everything we need to help us succeed in our internet business.

Well so far I like what I have seen with all the information that is a valuable in one spot. I have also met some great like minded people.

The cincher was this morning when my research assistant the awesome guy in my life sent me the following email. 

It is from the New York Times

BITS: Google Pushes Down Ranking of Low-Quality Sites

Google said its latest algorithm change is so big that users will notice different, higher-quality search results.

NYTimes: Google Pushes Down Ranking of Low-Quality Sites 

Take the time to check out the link so you can get the goods first hand.

Claire Cain Millar blogs "How Google Tweaks Algortithm To Push down Low - Quality Sites"

Listen up fellow marketers who are new to the game and are recent members of this community. 

Kyle and Carson and their talented team that keep this a thriving learning environment for us to succeed are ON IT. They speak of keeping up with the ever changing climate with in the Internet Marketing Profession Googles changes totally supports the view and changes that Kyle and Carson have worked so hard to share with us.

Over the past few days of getting acquainted with this system I read where KYle and Carson shared the hard work that has been done over the past year to keep up with the big changes that were going to take place with Google and the search engines. 

I am very excited to share with those of you who are serious in making a change in your lives and are seriously looking for financial success that will fuel your dreams and goals. 

I think we have hit the jack pot with WAU.  I am throwing any caution and doubt to the wind with WAU. As I hit the keys I am rolling up my sleeves and going to put blisters on my finger tips to follow and learn everything I can with WAU and make my first bit of income on the internet within the next 30 days.

I encourage all you new folks who have dreams to fill to GO FOR IT, lets see how many of us can move forward and see inspiring results with in the next 30 days. 

To be successful we need to constantly be in tune with the changes on the net in order to stay in the groove and continue to profit for our selves and to help others do the same. 


Attitude with Gratitude.



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Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Wandah for your nice blog, WA ROCKS!