Posts by Webpen 3
June 07, 2011
 Well I have just one more article to go to complete my 30 in 30 days challenge! - so that is tonights goal and then I can sit back and have a well earned beer! I am still not seeing a great click through rate across my articles but I am sure that may well be due to the quality of my writing which I am hoping has improved over the last month Anyway better get back to the grindstone and stop sitting reading forum posts!
May 31, 2011
Well I have been a member now for over a month and have been quietly pushing on with the training and soaking up the resources here. Have to say there is some great information - the challenge is putting it into action (as we all know). On the business side of things, I have yet to see any dramatic results - but for me this is a long term thing and I was never expecting to see overnight successes. As some of you may be aware I have been involved with affiliate marketing for a number of years &nb
May 05, 2011
 Well my first couple of weeks at Wealthy Affiliate have gone by and I already feel more motivated to push ahead in this field. I have decided to focus purely (for the time being) on promoting Wealthy Affiliate itself and have been (pretty much for the first time) articles on a daily basis and submitting them to a few directories. Everyday I have been doing something to help my efforts - be it a blog post on my site, be it a new article, be it some social bookmarking or link building, and j
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