An Update and a Rant!

Last Update: May 31, 2011

Well I have been a member now for over a month and have been quietly pushing on with the training and soaking up the resources here. Have to say there is some great information - the challenge is putting it into action (as we all know).

On the business side of things, I have yet to see any dramatic results - but for me this is a long term thing and I was never expecting to see overnight successes. As some of you may be aware I have been involved with affiliate marketing for a number of years  - with varying degrees of success but have always made the mistake of putting my all into something and when i have not seen quick results I have then moved on to something else and then the cycle starts again!

In fact with that in mind I read a very interesting document the other day - called the internet business manifesto - and have to say there was some really great stuff in there - OK so it is what it is and that is a free way to get you into a paid training program but that aside I take away two things from it which I am now putting into action:

1, Stopping being an opportunity seeker - I am sure this also applies to some of you, but I have been guilty of constantly looking for the next big thing that is going to give me that edge - so I spend some money, find out it is a load of rubbish and then move on to the next thing.

So to move away from this I am focusing on my business strategy and sticking with that - no longer will I become attracted by services and products that seem too good to be true.

2, Maximising my productive time - In the document there is an exercise to determine your productive time - and the scary thing was when I did this it showed me I only had about 30 minutes of productive time a day! - so out of an 8-10 hour working day I was only being productive in 30 minutes of that time - the rest was taken up with reading forums, checking stats, talking to people etc etc etc - so now ifs the time to knuckle down and be focused for at least two hours per day!

Anyway there you go! - as I said I am not seeing huge results just yet with my business but that is fine - it will come! - I am pressing hard on the 30 a day challenge on street articles and am aiming to have 50 articles live on this by the end of the challenge.

So on to my rant! - Blog Comment Spammers - I have had to travel away on business this week from Spain (where I live and where I work full time for a business) to Norway - have to say Oslo rocks!! - so on Monday night I did some work on my site and know full well I had a handful of comments approved on the blog.

24 hours goes by and I log on last night to find 39 comments awaiting approval - OK so not a massive number - but when they call in essence came from the same 3-4 people with different email addresses and all promoting the same 3-4 products it becomes a bit of a joke!

What are these idiots taking? - do they honestly think that by spamming my blog (related to internet marketing) with a comment promoting some dog food that it is going to be approved - and then the guys peddling wordpress plug ins with crap comments such as I could not find your contact form - despite it being so damn obvious in the navigation it is crazy!

So I have now closed comments on my site - which is a shame but idiots who continually use programs such as SEONuke and Scrapebox and all the other spam tools out there to mass blog comment have caused this.

Now I have to say, there were one or two comments I was nearly going to approve as, despite the fact they were clearly spam, some thought had gone into them - but in the end I deleted them all and will no longer accept comments on my site.

So I guess the message from this rant is - if you are going to use mass blog commenting software - then at least put some thought to it - mass comment on sites which are at least related to your niche and try and make them look as non spammy as possible - otherwise you are just expending effort for no reason. If you are not prepared to do this and still insist on spamming any old crap out there then you are no better than the email spammers and should be hunted down and flogged in public!! (OK maybe a bit harsh but I am so annoyed with these clowns!)

If I refer back to my point above about productive time - I spent 10 minutes cleaning up useless comments when I should have been investing this time in something that was going to drive my ROI

Well if you have got this far reading the post then thank you and apologies for being boring and having a rant - back now to making some money!

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Labman_1 Premium
There are quite a few plugins that are dedicated to weeding out the spam. I have one running on my site. No Spam issues. Even a few real comments have come in. At least I have piece of mind.
Sadly spam is a fact of life just like the common cold. When it catches you it's a darned nuisance.