My first two weeks

Last Update: May 05, 2011

 Well my first couple of weeks at Wealthy Affiliate have gone by and I already feel more motivated to push ahead in this field.

I have decided to focus purely (for the time being) on promoting Wealthy Affiliate itself and have been (pretty much for the first time) articles on a daily basis and submitting them to a few directories.

Everyday I have been doing something to help my efforts - be it a blog post on my site, be it a new article, be it some social bookmarking or link building, and just after a week I am seeing traffic appearing on my site.

The one thing I am stopping myself doing though is checking my stats everyday - I have always been guilty of that in the past and then getting disheartened when I dont see quick results so my focus now is to just keep promoting and then maybe in one month or even two months I will start looking at the stats to see how I am getting along.

Anyway best get back to it!

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Pete S Premium
Nice work and I've been thinking about that checking stats thing alot too. I came to conclusion that stats should not be checked until the 2 week point at a minimum. This is because that if you are constantly checking those stats three things are happening:

1. You're wasting time, time is better spent creating new revenue streams

2. It is disappointing (disheartening) in the early stags which makes it more difficult for your mind to concentrate on creating new quality opportunities for yourself (ie articles, sites, affiliate promotions, etc)

3. If after 2 weeks it needs to be tweaked you'll have done enough other work in the meantime that your mind will come back to it with a fresh perspective armed with more knowledge

Just my $ .02 and thoughts, continued success to you sir.