About Yaya
Joined July 2008
:) I'm Yaya. From sunny Singapore *whoosh* Im excited !
Im new in this, basically i'm working in an airline industry, currently with Northwest Airline. Appreciate any assistance anyone can provide me. Still a little lost but in time surely. :P
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dark Premium
Hi Yaya-soon you will fly your own plane on the internet-Have fun here
yaya Premium
Hey! Will that plane be an Airbus 380? Heh. Thanks for the warm welcome! :) Appreciate it. Hope ur venture was a blast!
kiwiboy Premium
Hi Yaya, welcome to our community :) its a bit overwhelming on the first couple of days, but once you begin to understand, you will be away! ... don't hesitate to ask if you get stuck.. all the best
yaya Premium
Hi Robert! Many many thanks for ur support. Im sure here to stay :) Yes it is overwhelming! But its darn interesting. Im sure to drop a question or two if i need help!
Cheers to ur success!
glowinggal Premium
oh I'd fight you for a ticket to Singapore previous poster! lol - -- welcome to WA and best of luck!
yaya Premium
Hi there! Oh oh oh. The ticket cant be free of course!! Many many thanks for the warm welcome! Cheers to your success!! Oh yes, Your glowing!
SharmCos Premium
Salam & Welcome to WA!
SharmCos Premium
Here's a gold for your million dollar seeds ;)
SharmCos Premium
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak & Happy Fasting ;)
yaya Premium
Hi Sharm. Salamz..Goooo luck to you too! We are both new.! :P
yaya Premium
That is so generous of u! Im just been away for work. And here's to you!! Cheeeeers!
To our success!
mushamid Premium
Hi Yaya, welcome to WA. Glad to see someone from SIN joining WA. Best of luck and keep learning.
yaya Premium
Hi Mushamid! Thanks for the warn welcome. Yes, its good to see someone from SIN, Hopefully we'll prosper!