Posts by Zeron44 3
So Last month in early May I launched 5 websites in addition to the 5 websites that I have that are ranking and making sales. But the 8ish sites I have are amazon/adsense and 6 focus on high converting low price products, and they sadly are time based. They are not what people would call evergreen niches. They sadly will die out eventually, I'm not to worried since my new sites focus on items that sell for around 100$ on amazon, and I've learned soooo much from making th
 wow , I just posted my second article to street articles and I was expecting the worse, since it seems everybody has been having a problem with Street Articles.   But I just posted a new article , almost 700 words, two natural links , and BOOM in 3 Min the article was LIVE, that is a record for me from any Article Directory. The old record I had was Articlesbase and that was 40 min after I submitted it. If Street Articles is this easy I guess I will have to publish more arti
As a Huge Vikings fan I was watching the NFL Draft a few nights ago waiting anxiously for the Vikings to pick with the 12th overall Pick. The Vikings selected Christian Ponder with the 12th overall pick in the draft which some might say is a reach at 12. But Right after we made the Selection my Internet Marketing mind went to work and boom and instant niche hit my mind,  In less than a day I had my site up ready to go had the Graphic Photoshopped and Today the Product finally wen
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