FAST Street Article Approval ... 3 MIN FLAT

Last Update: May 27, 2011

 wow , I just posted my second article to street articles and I was expecting the worse, since it seems everybody has been having a problem with Street Articles.


But I just posted a new article , almost 700 words, two natural links , and BOOM in 3 Min the article was LIVE, that is a record for me from any Article Directory.

The old record I had was Articlesbase and that was 40 min after I submitted it.

If Street Articles is this easy I guess I will have to publish more articles here, anyone know how powerful the Backlinks from Street Articles are per say to Articlesbase , Ezine or Free Traffic System ?

Well just thought I share that , since I've heard problems with SA , It was shocking how smooth the whole process was :)

Thanks for Reading and Keep taking Focused action each and everyday.

- Zach

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Labman_1 Premium
I've been having good luck with my SA article rankings. Only 6 more to go for Platinum.
Fast track results are always a bonus. What's the article title?