Thinking of Trying SEO Nuke trial, and why writing down your work makes it much easier to start

Last Update: June 02, 2011

So Last month in early May I launched 5 websites in addition to the 5 websites that I have that are ranking and making sales.

But the 8ish sites I have are amazon/adsense and 6 focus on high converting low price products, and they sadly are time based. They are not what people would call evergreen niches. They sadly will die out eventually, I'm not to worried since my new sites focus on items that sell for around 100$ on amazon, and I've learned soooo much from making those first sites. Even if they don't make that much its great to know whats needed to making a site that converts.

Now the 5 sites I have almost all are now on the 1st page of google, except for 2.  Of those 2 not on page one, 1 website is # 11 on page 2 , and the other is still doing the google dance off somewhere on page 7 - 10 , but he stops by page 1 spot # 2 for a few hours than hes off back to page 7ish. Google is so mind boggling sometimes.

I've been ranking these sites with some great fresh content every couple days on  the site thats also backlinked, along with articles each day on article sites,Profile links, Web2.0 links across links, social monkee, and even MORE profile links haha , my head is spinning by making so many profiles but I got a good copy/paste system going to make them, but it might be time to try out the SEO nuke trial, has looked promising for awhile. To my understanding its something that creates backlinking campings with profile links to web2.0 than bring link juice to your site, and it automatically signs you up to these profiles from what I see. 

I've started getting alot more done by writing down my schedule the night before based on what sites need more work in the SERPs.  I started 5 sites around the same time. Each day I write 1 fresh article for each site , 450 words based on low comp keywords.

I will post this article on the blog roll of the site(this is not homepage btw) or I will post it to an article directory. I switch off each day, so the blog gets a new article every 2 days, and a new article pops on the web up every 2 days.

I also post 15 -  25 Profile Links each day for each site, since I can get 3 site per profile they are usually done in alternating groups of 2, I also will rotate Anchor keywords each day so I get good keyword diversity.

I also use Social monkee, on the site and blog posts, and social bookmark and ping everything.


I realized by writing down what I needed to do the night before, the next day its easy to start working right away and not get distracted by checking amazon earnings, or adsense , or reading the forums or anything that distracts us from taking focused action.


For example heres what my notebook looks like for tommorow :

6 - 3 - 11

- Create New Yahoo Email for Profiles

- Create Backlinking Groups and Copy/paste PW for Profile ready

- Do 20 Backlinks Per site   (40 Profiles)

  - Nichesite 1

   -Nichesite 2

   -Nichesite 3

   -Nichesite 4

   -Nichesite 5

- Write Blog Post for Nichesite 1

- Write Blog Post for Nichesite 2

-Write SA Article for Nichesite 3

-Write AB Article for NIchesite 4

-Write FTS Article for Nitchesite 5

- Social Monkee Blog post for Nichesite 2

- Social Bookmark Blog post for nichesite 1

- Social bookmark approved SA article

- Social Bookmark approved AB article 





Hopefully This Helps give you an idea of what a FULL day of work looks like, this is about 4 hours of solid focused work. And when you do it each day and you really see some effects, its just Learning to be patience is the hard part, or the worry that the site wont convert.

Now last week thanks to Robbeh who made probably the best Keyword Research video I've seen yet to date. I now know that theres a free version of market samerui , and thanks to Robbeh's video I now know how to find ALOT more easy to rank for keywords than I did before If you haven't seen It I suggest you watch it, and also get the Free Keyword Optimize tool that is really cool. Thanks to Robbeh for those two videos and those 2 free tools are crazy sweet.

Anyway Long day, I've realized I don't blog to much so I decided I might as well start now, 

Anyway Thanks for Reading, Take Focused Action each day and watch your rankings climb :)


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