Ambitious Mood Last Night

Last Update: January 06, 2010

Last night (which was actually the wee hours of this morning, I'm a night owl) I was in an ambitious mood.  I came up with a lot of niche ideas with the Google and WA Keyword Tools.  Before, I only found a few niches and it took me quite a bit of time to find those.  Last night I think I was thinking a little more deeper about different niches and started writing them down like crazy and found quite a few that had little competition, but definitely had audiences.  This was my best luck with researching niches.  I was researching for a few hours last night.  I was getting so sore, I had sat for hours at the computer.  I had to actually stop myself, it was after 2 am & I needed to get some sleep.  Despite the bit of discomfort, I was in a good mood because I accomplished a lot in just a few hours.

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