Away from WA due to family emergency

Last Update: January 19, 2010

I've been away from WA for a few days.  My stepfather who helped raise my sister and I since I was 7 died early Saturday morning.  It's been a very difficult few days.  He had been sick for about 9 years, but started rapidly declining the past couple of months.  I've been helping my mother.  I should be able to get back to working seriously on WA next week.  In the meantime, I will read posts and respond to any posts I receive.  

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Internetgranny Premium
I am really sorry to hear about your stepfather and can well imagine that this is a difficult time for you and your family. Take care.
Andrew_M Premium
Sorry to hear about your stepfather. It is difficult to find the right words to say, but you be encourage.
prodigals7 Premium
So sorry to hear about your stepfather. My thoughts and prayers are with you today. Hang in there.
jatdebeaune Premium
Very sorry to hear about your stepdad. It's important to allow yourself the time to heal. IM will be a good way to heal your psyche, so dig in. If you want to visit, I'm here.
idm Premium
I'm very sorry to hear that but I'm glad you're still working away at WA. I'm around if you should need anything.