Completed my second website on weebly

Last Update: May 13, 2010

I just completed my second website on Weebly.  The first one didn't go over so well with the article submission sites.  I am promoting the Wealthy Affiliate Super affiliate program, and I thought since surveys were a very popular search term, that I would try to promote that way.  I don't know if it was the term "surveys" or "scams" that caused Squidoo and Ezine Articles not to accept my articles relating to that website.  I couldn't even get Adsense to place ads on the website.  I figured it was a sign that I needed to think of something else.  I didn't eliminate the website, I may restructure it later. 

My new website is related to the copywriting field (a field I am very interested in).  Though it's not the greatest content wise, I plan to continue working with it.  I just wanted to get it out there and start promoting it.  I have already written one article and submitted it to Squidoo.  They accepted that one, thank goodness!


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