Affiliate, affiliate, affiliate?

Last Update: June 12, 2012
I spent most of this afternoon perusing the web at different affiliate sites, and signed up for a few. They are definately not all the same.
Amazon is good, but do I want a widget or a banner? In a carosel or version where one can type in what they are searching for?
Clickbank: What's a HopAd? Health and fitness products...2250 results to choose from!
Affiliate Wire (Revenue Wire): I signed up for this, then realized (if I read correctly), that they basically sell computer software and the niche is not geared toward this, so bye bye Affiliate Wire...
I am still looking at all options, and Ebay is next...then onto my 2 site specific Affiliates...can't wait to find those! (Since I am into the senior care arena, I believe denture tablets and Depends may affiliate with me...:) ).
All kidding aside, we will all be old someday (some of us already are!), and denture tablets and Depends will be a daily need.
Lesson learned...not all Affiliate programs or companies are the same. And reading the terms and conditions?? Now that's no fun...
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WriterGig Premium
Yes, it can be overwhelming at first, but the key is to start with your niche, understand your audience and then find products to sell.

For me,, Amazon Associates, Google Affiliate Network, eBay Partner, and Share A Sale are my top affiliate networks, and I'm also an affiliate for several individual programs, such as WealthyAffiliate and niche-specific companies.
CEugene Premium
I'd definitely recommend (commission junction) because just about every corporation and decent sized company is signed up as an advertiser. Everyone gets accepted by CJ but you have to be individually accepted by each individual advertiser that you sign up to promote.
veronica.l Premium
Hi Amy,

I find the best way to find suitable affiliate programs is to type in the niche + affiliate program, say for example denture tablets + affiliate program, found this one by doing so

good luck finding affiliate programs for you niche :)