little things make me smile

Last Update: June 11, 2012
Amazing the small stuff that can make a person smile!
It took me literally 3 days to realize and figure out, after bashing my head into a virtual wall, that linking a keyword in an article required linking it to your WEBSITE. I was simply copying and pasting the keyword into the place in the link line and expecting when I clicked it to go to my website...well DUH!!!
I am truly a newbie, a freshman. A pre-kindergardener actually, when it comes to computers. And I insisted on learning it myself, not having my husband help me. I figured it out with help from training was an "AHA" moment.
Anyway, to self teach with the help from all the wonderful resources available here is amazing.
And the small victories are just the appetizer for the main course to come. I'm looking forward to more and more!
BTW I wrote 2 articles on street articles...check them out at and one is pending but should be soon approved, its a good one, about my experience as a caregiver the last 18 years in nursing homes (as a nurse and an aide).
Happy affiliating everybody!
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veronica.l Premium
Awesome, AHA moments are soo cool and keep recognizing them. Celebrate your success, wait til you make your first $ :) Keep up the good work!
BIS Premium
Hi Any - well done at getting your first article accepted. It's a great feeling when that first one goes through.

A word of advice - you had only used one of your links - you could have linked to the same article twice. Always try to use that opportunity. There were lots os other places where you could have linked quite naturally.

Nice site as well. As soon as you're able get some images on there. (I know this is something you're looking into).

Best wishes

Amy Farr Premium
Thanks Beveley! You're right, I need to take advantage of advertising every chance I get!
Carson Premium Plus
Amy Farr Premium
Thank you Carson!
Fear of technology, yep that's me! But I'm trudging forward :) with W.A.'s unlimited opportunities and great people :)
Amy Farr Premium
Wow thank you jpnetco!
Even chocolate couldn't beat the AHA moment yesterday, because I was consuming it in my frustration LOL!
But it sure tasted good...
jpnetco Premium
aha moments are almost as good as a piece of chocolate. Neurologically you get the same effect, but for taste, chocolate wins out. However, there isn't always any chocolate around, but an aha moment can happen anytime, anywhere. Good for you, stay the course. Thanks for your service as a caregiver. My mom has been a nurse for over 40 years, primarily obgyn, my youngest sister is also a nurse. Nurses are beautiful people.