About Anindochk
Joined May 2012
I am Anindo Chakraborty from India. I am a computer science engineer and I like to work on the wordpress platform. Back in 2010 December (during my college days) , I made my first website. Through the website, I thought of spreading awareness on green energy. The attempt was commendable but then I realized that I had chosen a niche that required more than one person to succeed as the competition was very large on green energy. Result - Work stopped for a while and the domain eventually expired.

After that, I joined the IT industry and since then I am working as a Developer of a product called TCS BANCS. Basically, I handle the sofyware development of commercial banks.

Currently I am also involved in setting up a company called - School for Startups India. My mentor, Mr Jim Beach is a veteran entrepreneur from Georgia and he is also a professor at Georgia State University. Under him, I have been understanding the nuisances of starting a business under very little capital.

I have joined WA purely to interact with WEALTHY AFFILIATES and to know their mindset and then learn & earn myself in that process.

"Internet is my life and internet marketing is my life-saver".

Add me immediately in your buddy list. :) :)
Happy Helping Others and Making Money!
Anindochk's Accomplishments

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Very encouraging. I hope to make it too, one day. All the best.
anindochk Premium
Thanks! Just keep trying. You will surely make it! :)
Hello Anindo, you have decided to follow me and i imagine we will be able to prosper from our networking
anindochk Premium
yes, definitely we will prosper! I am looking forward to interact with you more.
DABK Premium
Hi, Anindo.
One question for you:
Georgia as in Georgia US or Georgia as in the former Soviet Republic?

How's WA been for you so far?
anindochk Premium
Its Georgia US. The experience is amazing. I am learning every day. People are so helpful. But, now just want to make that first sale and start earning. :)
slayton1s Premium
Hey, if you need help feel free to pm me. I know a lot. Good luck starting out. It's rough, but with the right guidance you can learn what you need to know in about a month & start then taking action & making money.
anindochk Premium
I have sent you a PM!
TJ Books Premium
I sent you an PM. John
anindochk Premium
Hi. So should i start with the 30 day program at first?