Twitter Marketing for my website

Last Update: August 05, 2012
I had interest in Twitter since a long time. My first website had 1000 followers and i was over the moon. I have decided to market all of my websites through twitter henceforth. A few days back I opened an account on it for my new website. In 2 days, got loads of followers.

I also bought a book about twitter marketing - "Twitter Marketing - An Hour A Day " by Hollis Thomases. As soon as I bought the book and started reading it I realized, that my whole concept about of marketing in Twitter was flawed. I joined twitter with the sole idea of getting more followers. My thinking was - " As i keep getting followers, I will keep getting traffic ". It turned out that I was wrong. Traffic is of no use if the the followers come and leave quickly. That increases nothing but Bounce Rates.

Understanding the customer psyche matters. Most great companies like DELL have increased their sales by almost 60% through twitter usage. Interaction with customers played an important role in their case. A customer attains a level of satisfaction when he directly connects with the marketing team and no third parties are involved. Over the next few days I would try and do that (with the very minimum time that I have).

God save me! I need some serious time management classes on " How to handle multiple projects at a time"..... But no matter what, TWITTER ROCKS!!!!
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Shawn Martin Premium
I have had success with twitter, and will continue building through it.Thanks for the tip!
anindochk Premium
THanks Shawn!! :) Do share your successes.. I would like to here more from you! :)
splashduck Premium
That's interesting, I'm still trying to figure out Twitter. Not sure if anyone actually sees or reads my tweets. I'd like to hear more from you about your discoveries with Twitter. Thanks:)
anindochk Premium
Hey what's your tweet id? I will read your tweets!!! :) mine is @rules_sales
splashduck Premium
Thanks, mine is urbanfarmerrob