Posts by ARBie 17
Now is a good time to build a LOCAL blog or Website. That's right something only for the 200,000 or however many people live in your city, county, or community. July is winding down. Soon people will be coming off vacation, getting ready to buy those back to school clothes, students going to college, going back to church, another holiday, Labor day is coming as well as halloween. Did you know that online halloween is a 5 BILLION dollar business! Advertising your blog in your local area is much e
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Failures can be stepping stones to success or a slide to defeat. Only YOU can decide which. 'Nuff said.  Goodnight everybody.
I've gone off a little here telling people they need to quit worrying about getting their website on Google's page one, seo traffic building, building back links and the like and concentrate on their article marketing and getting their articles ranked. You market to people not to search engines. I was told by one person ... "I could write the best article in the world that would make everybody buy but if my website not on the first page of Google then nobody is ever going to read it".
July 11, 2010
If you want to be an Article Marketer then Strive to Become A Master Article Marketer. If you want to be an SEO/ Search Engine Marketer then Strive to Become A Master SEO/ Search Engine Marketer. If you want to be a Pay for Action Marketer then Strive to Become A Master Pay for Action Marketer. Master Just one and the others will follow. If you want to dabble with all three...Go find a JOB.
When it comes to success the Question is not "What CAN you do?" but rather "What are you WILLING to do?"   'Nuff Said...Good Night Everybody.
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July 09, 2010
Our late great President Ronald Reagan was willing to listen to the leaders of what was then the Soviet Union. His motto was "Trust But Verify".  I hate to say it but there are some people on WA that are considered Junior Affiliates and there are those that are considered Intermediate and Wealthy Affiliates and some of the so called Intermediate and Wealthy Affiliates are freaking stupid. Posts by some of the Junior Affiliates are much more valuable than some of the Garbage the so
July 08, 2010
I joined WA on a whim in the fall of last year. I thought there would be some good stuff on here. Until recently I haven't had the chance to really check in.  I've been internet marketing for two years and I currently own 14 domains. They have nothing to do with WA. I just did them. I've also done the eBay thing and have made thousands of dollars with eBay. I have also done quiet well selling books and things on Amazon and promoting Amazon products. I started to go through this lame Action