Circling Around The Affiliate Marketing Dragon

Last Update: April 17, 2011

 Ever wonder why you aren't getting anywhere with affiliate marketing? I sure have and I'm going to tell you what I think about it all. Affiliate marketing is a scary thing. WA lays it all out in front of me and its so big and awesome that I can't help but sense its incredible power. I want what it has, I can see how it moves, but do I dare touch it? What is it going to do to me? Well, I don't know, so I start circling around it, poking it every now and then with a stick. Ezine will except my articles. I stare at it waiting for it to do something, circle around it some more. I put up a website or two the thing just lays there.

So what the heck is that thing, I wonder. It's big, it's bright and it definitely does something. I go back to reading the instructions. Circle around it some more and wonder it the thing is going to bite me or worse yet burn me alive. The instructions that come with it are quite clear but it can't be that simple. There has to be some secret food that others are feeding it to make happy, to make it rear up and tear into cyberspace returning with a maw full of cash to drop at their feet.

It is with great resolve that I have studied the needs of this creature, leaving projects half finished, web sites imagined but not tried, chasing from one end of the internet to the other to find something it likes, only come back and circle around it some more. It could do so much for me.

Of late I have been sullen, angry at the affiliate marketing beast. It opens it's lazy eyelids and mocks my feeble attempts to please it and I like a beaten child wait on it. Perhaps it will look at me favorably today, but it is getting harder to be around it. It has taken on a smell, and oozes puss at times.

Yesterday however was different. I vowed not to wait on it and the thing raised it's head. Yes the marketing beast paid attention. The thing resumed it's former luster, fresh diamonds imbedded in it's shiny skin, a bright attentive look that spoke of treasure gathered, guarded and carelessly strewn about for the fearless to gather, but pity those with no resolve, for their end is coldly foretold in those bright eyes.

There is disbelief, and eager anticipation in that dragon's eyes. I who have served and waited on him finally have left his side to take up arms and march boldly away, and the affiliate dragon knows he must follow and serve my needs, partners at last, I will serve my own needs and he will help where he can.

You see it does not matter now whether I have this creature. After searching the internet, my heart and finally coming full circle, I know my way and do not fear if my websites fail or not, if the niche I choose is a winner or loser, if my article is effective or not, if my campaign fails, then I tried, and I will move on. There will be no more circling just a swath through the internet brush where I hope to find the rewards this clever, beautiful dragon at my side has so carefully hidden.

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Cwillard77 Premium
Wow, very vivid approach to characterizing the "beast". :) It can be overwhelming. I like my quote that I published some time ago, here it is:

Why is it human nature to wonder "what if", why can't we accept those events in our lives that have happened and learn to live by the lessons we've learned. Don't question the validity of your character, answer the "what if's" with "Because I chose to.. ". Christina
jatdebeaune Premium
I love this Art. Very colorful description and real. Well written. Astute. Glad you have made friends with the dragon. What do you have to lose? Everything to gain!!! Dragons make nice pets. Tame that critter.