Cosmic Justice

Last Update: June 17, 2011


I get real tired of people taking my ezine articles and either spinning them into garble or just flat word for word posting them on their website as their 1050th original article. A few days back I found one ranking near the no.1 spot in google and of course had to peer. There is some justice in the great scheme of things. This criminal mastermind neglected to strip all of the links to my landing page. Right on. I just wish they were all that careless and maybe I could sell a little something. :)

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smadronia Premium
If they left the links, they they're following EZA's rules for posting them. If they posted your article without the links, then they wouldn't be.
So it's not stealing if they're doing it right.
burntout Premium
Hmm.. If you have two coins and I take one, am I being charitable or am I thief? It becomes a matter of confounding debate. In either event I feel fortunate. The monkey will take the link they left and not look back.
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey, that's right. If they didn't change anything and used your links, then that's what you want to happen. It's viral. Now that Google is frowning on duplicate content, your original first indexed content will eventually rank higher.
Labman_1 Premium
If they left your links isn't that an approved use of your article?
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Art, There really is some divine justice. Not enough though. This war on duplicate content is supposed to help us with that miserable problem. It's really embarrassing when they use your title and name and nothing else and post it on a sleazy site and rank #1 in Google.