Secret Wealth Formula, Straight out of the recycle bin

Last Update: May 30, 2011

This is a bit of scrap that was headed for the trash since it had no real destination, but it has some merit, so here you go.

I'm a bit grumpy. I'm intitled because I have lots of grey in my hair. I am older than bedrock and have made some money and lost some money but it never has been a chain. When the poke is empty you do something to fill it, even if it's not what you want. You keep working to find the easy gold. Maybe you will, maybe not, but it is the way that presents itself each bright morning that should reward you, not bitterness because you can see the road but are not allowed to take it. There is no special toll. It is the same road for all people and all walk it. All people will reach the same end, rich or poor. Throw the rope, test the line and move on. Work. Live. Love. By all means laugh. In the end there is death, and I'll be damned if I can decide on whether theres a heaven or hell so I'm not taking any chances. I want to touch and feel every nuance just in case this is all there is. If I could give you all you need, could you see that you had it, or would you wake up tomorrow and wonder why you lost it? Wealth is nothing more than perspective. Be wealthy. It beats being poor and the qaulity of life is better all around....... "are you sure you want to delete this file and all of it's contents?"

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Excellent write. Makes more sense than Sure Fire Wealth and other recycled garbage that clutters up the web.