Cowboy hats, outdoor toilets and other BS

Last Update: December 11, 2010

 I don't like thinking, and, in fact I am certain the natural ability to process complex thoughts is not built into my back woods make up. You see, when I concentrate on a particular subject, say, article marketing, my head begins to smoke and after a time, if I do nothing to correct the situation it can burst into flames. (One of those spontaneous combustion things you watch on the sci fi channel.) This is especially embarrassing if I am in a public place, as everyone gets so excited: "Oh look! That poor cowboys hat is smoking! No, it's on fire!!" Some one will invariably empty a fire extinguisher on my face. Some other well meaning soul will throw a blanket over me to smother the flames, knock me to the floor, roll me around and stomp on my head.

You do not want to know what happens when I start thinking about keywords, niches, or seo, it's just to gruesome to talk about. I come from an undeveloped, third world country, Idaho, and if I try to explain what I am trying to accomplish at three o clock in the morning on a laptop to my friends, they all just figure I've been surfing for porn and toss me in back of one of those home made pickup trucks that are twelve feet tall and just as many colors and haul me to the woods to "clear my mind."

This affiliate marketing thing is just an uphill battle for the average red kneck and whats more it's getting kind of lonely, as most folk have come to figure I'm "not quite right in my head" and stopped coming around.

This is just a note to let you know that out here in the wild, wild west there is a truly dedicated WA member determined to succeed, even if it takes getting lynched. I am writing this on my laptop by candle light in the outhouse situated next to the hog pens. I just hope I don't get caught, as I am not quite healed up from the last thrashing I took for being a proud member of the Wealthy Affiliate University.

I wish you all success in this truly intriquing thing we call marketing and encourage you to keep your dream alive. Oh yeah... If your thinking about giving up, just picture me out wandering around the high desert under a full moon, in my underwear and cowboy boots trying to rope the wind, just because I believe it can be done.



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gmee Premium
Hey there, I'm practically next door in Washington. Not the soggy sophisticated west side, but the dry and "unsophisticated" east side, Spokane. I know this stuff can work as I've had some success. Keep pluggin away!
jatdebeaune Premium
That was so funny. I needed a laugh. Thank you.
burntout Premium
I'm glad you enjoyed the read. I'll probably bumble around and try everything before I find something that pays. An addsense campaign based on my country style nonsense? hmmm...
ROWP Premium
Oh you are funny! Have you thought about a blog where you can write as you have done here and make money from the AdSense? I design and install septic systems for a living... the "outdoor toilets" hooked me into reading! Very glad I did and I will be back to read more!
NEA03 Premium
I admire your determination and I believe you can do this.