Ravings of a neophyte marketing junkie

Last Update: July 28, 2010

   Julie and I have a cat.  The cat is a beautiful longhaired white mass of fluff.  The cat has been a companian to us for many years and has been slowly losing its sight.  What is so touching about all of this is her absolute calm and disregard for her loss.  She is a picture of elegance as she walks down the hall slowly testing each doorway till she finds her way to our bedroom where she will probably sleep the day away.  She is ever "almost" walking into the wall,  her whiskers warning her,  she corrects her direction as if this is the most natural thing any cat could do.   I know she has probably memorized  all the house.  So I envy her savvy,  her demure acceptance,  and her elegant pretenses.  

   I on the other hand I clod around the internet,   crash around the house,  make big messes of everything and consider myself superior to the cat.  I am unable to  follow the simple directions for acheiving success when it is directly in front of me.  I after all am a man and am entitled to complicate things needlessly and blame my failure on the success of others!  I am designed to dig ditches and pitch hay.  Why this maddening thought that I can use my head to make reasonably intelligent decisions to earn a living?  Write articles some one would read?  Easier by far to punch a hole in wall and swill cold whiskey.  Thats the life for me.  Thats the cowboy way.

   I envy that damned cat.  She makes everything look so well choreographed when she ca'nt see a thing....I am going to get to be a little more like her I hope as time goes on.  Hopefully  my trepidation regarding marketing will become less.  I will not think so hard about every thing.  Mabe I will stop reading the terms of service and  legal disclosures on google,  bing and yahoo.   Mabe hyper text markup  language will begin to read like simple grammar lessons.  Mabe I should not worry about it and just start firing my guns.  I am naturally cautious and look for the proper amount of info before I go blundering into something.  But thats just it,  you know,  it seems to take some blundering.  I just wish I could do it with the grace of that old cat.  Its one thirty a.m. and if I know anything at all at this point in the day,   the cat has retired.  I follow her excellent example.  Fair well in your endeavers my fellow marketing junkies.  Good night. 

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jatdebeaune Premium
Very nice post, Art. Animals teach us a great deal. They accept conditions, adapt, and handle it all with grace. This business we're in is very challenging. Easy to feel frustrated. For me, it's mostly the technical stuff that makes me want to cry. I handle it by making sure I learn something every day, and do something that will help get me where I want to go. Like Jamie Smith, I'm using it all to support my art. I think you have to just focus on what you want out of IM, and do what's required to get just that. Wear blinders to all the lures that distract you from your purpose.