A$$ Backwards

Last Update: April 17, 2010

Yea, that's how I was working things. A$$ backwards.

I had this article campaign going, right? And I just kept pumping out articles and articles. Then I realized...

 What the heck am I doing???

I'm pumping out an article that will bring a little traffic, then die off. 

Then I do it again. 

And again.

And again...

I started to feel like maybe that wasn't the best way to do things. 

And thanks to PCRoger's GREAT product, CB Tracker, I finally got to see where the sales were coming from in those articles. And I got to see they're all coming from the same topic. 

Then I got to thinking.


I should set up a site for this targeted keyword. 

And you know what? Sending article links to MY site versus the vendor site is making MUCH more sense to me. I'm building backlinks to MY site. I'm getting MY site to the top of Google (fingers crossed). 

I have a feeling sales are going to be better. I've already gotten 4 sales this month. I *think* 1 or 2 may have come from my site which just went up earlier this week. Now, what happens when my site is indexed? And ranking? 

THIS seems like a smarter way to work. And if not, well, at least I feel like I'm not a$$ backwards anymore!  :) 

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi there!Have to check out CB Tracker. Frustrated with Squidoo. Doing directories, blogs and backlinks to my site. Sites are important, as are backlinks.