1 Year WA Anniversary

Last Update: June 01, 2010

On June 1, 2009 I joined Wealthy Affiliate University, just to check it out. I was sure I was going to cancel after the trial period, but...here I still am!

I felt like I've learned SO much about affiliate marketing. And I feel like there's SO much more to learn. I'm pretty sure there will always be something to learn. 

While I was hoping that I would be making a full time income, driving around in my porsche cayenne by now, I am proud of my accomplishments so far. It is not easy working around kids, but I'm realizing I CAN do it! 

This business is frustrating at times (a lot of times), daunting, overwhelming...

...and exciting, fun, creative...! 

 Anyway, thanks for celebrating with me. Here's to an even better year! I'm looking forward to it. :)

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Not2Late Premium
Happy Belated WA Anniversary Christina :)
iFaith Premium
Cheers to a good year past! Cheers to a great year 2010 and beyond!
jatdebeaune Premium
Really glad you're here Christina. This experience is very rich indeed.
babyboomer20 Premium
Sweet!! Congrats on your acomplishments...and like I've been teaching my 2 yr. old grandson this week Thumbs Up to you : )
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats, nice to have ya in the WA family!