I finally found it!

Last Update: March 15, 2010

I found my "why", my inspiration that's going to keep me motivated and energized! The "why" that will make me want to work way more hours than I have available! Haha. 

I thought my "why" of wanting to be an affiliate marketer was because I wanted to be at home with my kids. While that's absolutely true, that wasn't specific enough to really get things rolling for me and keep me motivated. 

 There were many days when I didn't do anything and kind of just felt overwhelmed and not knowing which direction to turn next. 

Well, I found my inspiration in this post: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=75159

PotPieGirl mentioned this blog, and it completely shifted my focus. 

While this is completely embarrassing to admit, my husband and I have WAY too much credit card debt. I originally thought there was not much I could do about it right now, and that we'd just have to deal with it. 

After reading Amy Bass's blog, I KNOW I can do something about it, and quicker than I thought possible. (She had WAY more than we do, and more kids to deal with too.)

I started OperationZeroDebt.com to track my progress and keep anyone who reads it up-to-date on the techniques and tools that I'm using. I hope you'll join me for my journey. The more readers I get, the more I'll HAVE to succeed. :)

BTW, even though this debt is embarrassing, I think this is such a great, exciting goal. (And one that WILL allow me to stay with my kids and avoid getting a real J.O.B.) I feel so much more inspired and way less overwhelmed (even though there's LOTS to do). So, I think it's really, really important to find that "why", or recognize that "why" when it knocks you on the head. :) 

Thanks for reading!


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jnewlon Premium
wow I saw your post I quit and thought you did. I am glad you decided to stick it out. That helps me alot.
cld111 Premium
Dude, thanks so much for your comment! :)
sox1n05 Premium
Embarrassing? Heck no!! While I can't vouch for everyone, I am pretty sure that there are A LOT of people here that are in the same boat - myself included! I also checked out that post in the forums and there is some really good dialogue going back and forth there - AWESOME! I was going to offer my thoughts, but I'm not a woman and it seemed like an exclusive club! jk I am going to check out your blog...that's awesome. It's all about accountability and this is a great way to "remind" yourself of what you're after. That's awesome!