When are you officially on a roll?

Last Update: April 24, 2010

Because a few days ago I had my high-ticket sale through Amazon, then 2 Clickbank sales today, and 1 more Clickbank sale today so far. 

 Sheesh, 3 days of sales in a row? I almost don't know what to do with myself! LOL.

So, am I officially on a roll? 

I think so!

Looks like all of my most recent efforts are starting to pay off!! Whee! 

Now, I hope this roll turns into a nice, big snowball effect. Wouldn't that be nice? 

 BTW, this is my best month ever in sales! Isn't IM WAY more fun when you have some sales? :)



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raycal.1 Premium
Congrats...Very nice job...Good luck in keeping it "rolling" along...
magistudio Premium Plus
Awesome Job, now stop looking at your sales stats and keep working on what you are doing to make those sales.
jatdebeaune Premium
Great Christine! Obviously, something you're doing is working. Forever onward!
Rob Lee Premium
Great job! I think this is the start of something very big! Keep up the good work!
jeffrey73 Premium
Nice! Congratulations!