Posts by Craig Ferdinands 14
So Ihit a 1000 views on my articles last night and this morning I'm already at a 1050. This is mainly from 20 articles within a certain niche. These articles haven't been bookmarked yet, but there is a set time for that. In 6 days to be precise. :) (my very own action plan)  Anyway, my issue is that I have  only 102 clicks as of now. That's 9.7% clicks. I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing. If 9 in 10 people after reading my article aren't bothered enough to click on my links I must
January 04, 2011
Hey guys, can anybody please tell me if they are experiencing trouble with their hosting? My websites (all 3 of them that are hosted at WA) are not working. They are all down and the error says that the server its hosted at is taking too long to respond or something along those lines... Come on... this is unacceptable... how can you operate without being able to access your website... I wanted to do some work on my site just now and i can't even access it through WP Express... Please, somebody m
So today I logged on to WA and looked at my super affiliate stats. I wasn't expecting much. Sadly, the past month hadn't been so kind to me. I only had 8 clicks and that was it. I had written close to 30 articles and my funnel was looking mighty fine. Well it was WA that made the funnel so what do you expect right? Had 4 subscribers and they're very annoying. For some reason they don't want to buy anything. A little bit like me i guess. Though I was smart enough to get a membership here at WA. Y
While I was at home in SL for 2 weeks, I worked really hard at my IM, but I also kept in mind that I was at home with family, for 2 weeks after a year. So, sometimes I had to just leave the computer, and spend time with them and that was true joy. I know that everyone here was happy this Christmas and I was tremendously blessed this past year and this Christmas to be at home. I wish you all a wonderful Christmas too. And don't forget to spend time with those who are truly important. After all th
So... I have been told that to write good articles that will get me good traffic and be indexed on the first page, I should ensure that the article is relevant, and that the keyword density is between (this one varies depending on who's preaching) 1-3 or 2-4. But in essence above 1.  Like the saint I am, I adhere to these instructions as best I can. Articles stay relevant and my keyword density floats around the high 1s. 1.6.-2.0  This is the case for all 10 articles that I have submit
December 19, 2010
Now, my EZA has 4 more posts awaiting approval prior to me getting Platinum. Hope that happens soon, but I'm giving it 3-4 days more (estimate)before that happens. In the meantime, I'm not slowing down my article writing, pumping out 3-5 articles a day, I really need to know the right place to put them. I would've put them in both GoArticles and ArticlesBase but I read a tutorial from either Kyle Or Carson, that said Google doesn't like replicated or (non-unique) content. The tutorial specifical
December 14, 2010
I was wondering if anybody here IS, or KNOWS an WA member in SINGAPORE or in SRI LANKA.  I think it would be wonderful for me to have somebody to share this experience with and also get advice from.  Please do keep me posted if you know of anybody.   cheers, Craig.
So I told myself that the moment the articles come out I'll start seeing views on the pages they're directed to. I told myself I'll start seeing traffic. Here are some of my problems. They just frustrate me. On the 8th day after submitting my first set of articles for my first campaign, they got slapped and the reason made no sense to me because I was not "blatantly promoting my company, myself or my product in the article body". I was doing it in the resource box. I changed anything t
December 13, 2010
So I'm home in Sri Lanka, which means family time, Christmas time but no work/job for 16 days... Trying to take full advantage of it and pump out articles like a madman, as well as improve my sites.  My WA super affiliate campaign has just begun. Started with the funnel, set up my Aweber, and have pumped out some articles that will hopefully be up in a week. so patience is a virtue here.  Other websites are also ready to sell, but I'm awaiting the traffic from my articles which are sti
So, I've been keeping up with the action plan... Well that's a lie... I've been ahead of the action plan and waiting for the next step for the last 4-5 days. :s   but going through the training center articles I've been able to get a pretty good gist of things.   I have figured out several things about WORDPRESS EXPRESS and having created a decent website with some great hoplinks for the product I'm promoting, 5 quality pages and daily posts I'm going in the right direction... I haven