WA super affiliate

Last Update: December 13, 2010

So I'm home in Sri Lanka, which means family time, Christmas time but no work/job for 16 days... Trying to take full advantage of it and pump out articles like a madman, as well as improve my sites.

 My WA super affiliate campaign has just begun. Started with the funnel, set up my Aweber, and have pumped out some articles that will hopefully be up in a week. so patience is a virtue here.

 Other websites are also ready to sell, but I'm awaiting the traffic from my articles which are still in review. That ezine yellow bar has filled up quite a bit and I want to see blue soon...

 Looking forward to great things here...

 End of day 19 here at WA.


 PS: on lesson 5 of the action plan... can't wait to learn more on SEO when that lesson gets here.

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