Article Writing Statistics. Call For Assistance.

Last Update: January 11, 2011

So Ihit a 1000 views on my articles last night and this morning I'm already at a 1050. This is mainly from 20 articles within a certain niche. These articles haven't been bookmarked yet, but there is a set time for that. In 6 days to be precise. :) (my very own action plan)

 Anyway, my issue is that I have  only 102 clicks as of now. That's 9.7% clicks.

I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing. If 9 in 10 people after reading my article aren't bothered enough to click on my links I must be doing certain things wrong.

 So could I have advice on what to do to improve this CTR? Do I customize the resource boxes severely to each article? As of now, I have a set resource box that's kind of attention grabbing

Also, my articles answer a lot of questions and are very useful to whoever searched for that keyword. They don't SELL at all. But sometimes, does this alone not make the reader want to click any further? Or should I laytiny little hints down at the end that I can give them more information through my links?

 If so I'd like some advice on how to do that, because I know you can't advertise in your body.


Final issue is that a lot of my keywords are closely (VERY CLOSELY) related to each other. Let's say

Learn how to "find" X

Learn how to "aquire" X

I follow PotPieGirl's rule of writing on all suitable Keywords, and I follow Louise M rules of KW research, that gets me truly low competition keywords.

 But should I in the first place write 2 different articles for both those KWs?

Or should I pick just one?


It'll be weird if I put both these articles up on my WP blog won't it?

 PS: this is also something I do, once my articles get published and bookmarked, I then post them on my WP blog, to optimize my website to those KWs.


I know this was a long blog post but I've received so much advice just by writing blogs that I had to do this.


Please tell me if I'm doing things right, and give me your advice, hints, tips and suggestions on how to fix a lot of these problems, or improve my method on the whole...


Thanks so much,




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NEA03 Premium
Holy crap, you can split that and have 2 articles. Long articles are good because they have a better chance of being picked up by publishers giving you a backlink but unless your a very very good writer most visitors will think it's too long, they'll feel overwhelmed and exit before they get to the bottom of the article. My articles for EZA are between 250-280 words. I have a CTR of 19.8, which I'm always trying to improve lol. Of course the title,body & resource box have a lot to do with it as well but I think just by making your articles shorter you'll increase your CTR.
thanks guys...

I'll put this up on the forum.

Hope to hear back from you about what EZA has to say.

At NEA03 - my articles are between 500-700 words and they address a lot of questions, giving general answers but leaving the juicy details out. :) I thought that would be useful.
NEA03 Premium
If your answering lots of questions your giving them too much info so they don't feel they have to click thru your link. I only slightly touch on just one solution. I'm guessing if your answering lots of questions then your articles are probably looong. Keep 'em short.
jatdebeaune Premium
It's funny Craig, I was wondering the same thing. As a matter of fact, I wrote EZA about the click rate. I'll share with you what they tell me, when I hear from them. I think it has something to do with the Resource Box, what you write and your call to action. I think you have to command them to click on your site or your offer.
Ben G. Premium
You should post your questions in the forum so that EVERYONE has a chance to either help you or learn with you.