Bing vs Google - When Nothing Else Works, Cheat Says Bing

Last Update: May 03, 2011

Bing's market share has increased recently.  They found a novel way to figure out which sites best match a search request.  The go over to Google, type in the search term people typed in Bing's search box.  Then they simply copy the results from Google and serve them to the people searching on Bing.

Is it a viable model, inquiry minds want to know!

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DABK Premium
It's better than that, Wayne. They're not reverse engineering anything. They simply cheat. You type "cuban cigars" in Bing, for instance, and one Bing robot goes to Google, 'types' "cuban cigars" in Google, copies the results, brings it to Bing, Bing shows you the results.
Wayne Hudler Premium
This effort by Bing is similar to what product manufacturers do with competitive products. They get a sample and reverse engineer it so that they understand how they can build a similar product.

Bing is reverse engineering Google results for their benefit. If that is all they have to offer they will fail in the long run.

They need to create a product that is better in some way than Google.