Can't beat my own article

Last Update: May 15, 2010

One of my articles is #1 in Google, my site is in 2nd and 3rd.  I want my article to come after my site.  On principle, I gave birth to it 2nd.  I've been trying for 2 weeks.  The son of a gun won't let me ahead.

I thought kids are supposed to show respect to their parents.  What gives? 

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morlandroger Premium
Got that too. Article is front page on Google but site is nowhere to be seen. Hoping that will change over time.
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh, the kid is an over achiever.
Louise M. Premium
haha that's funny! although I don't know how you can beat your own article... more backlinks? ;)
kadcpp Premium
I have the same problem with one of my keywords. At least it is one of my articles though and not the competition.