I hate Google's new tool

Last Update: October 03, 2010

I looked up this morning a keyword.  I clicked on the 'exact' button.  It did not show exact results.  I clicked the button again.  It showed both broad and exact results.  I clicked on 'average' pay per click, it did not show it to me.  I tried again, same results.  If I try again, expecting different results, will I be entering the realm of madness?

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erussell Premium
I agree with you! I don't see the harm in keeping the previous interface.
dec944 Premium
This was my point the other day. Google got rid of the "previous interface" and the new tool stinks. WA also changed their tool a couple of days ago and it now has a major flaw. I was ready to throw myself in front of a bus last week. It took me at least 3 times longer working with these two tools and I have no idea if I'm hitting the mark because I feel like I'm guessing.
famousplumber Premium
What'sthe deal with Google, anyway? Too much power? Mid-level incompetence? A need to aggravate the masses? I don't get it.