Illinois VS - DABK loses!

Last Update: March 11, 2011

Illinois went ahead and did it. went ahead and did it.

My ' links,' RIP.  I shall miss you.

Speaking of that, I got an email from my fine friend in the Illinois White House.  Told me he's done it to be fair to the local businesses but never fear, he's not thrown me under the bus.  He's given me a link to a special site.  Wanna see for yourself? If he's sent you the same email...  I've got it first, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!  (Just tell me how you feel 'bout it."  (I got an email written to me personally from, I'm that important! he, he, he!  I liked their email even less.)


Dear Dusan,

Today I have signed House Bill 3659, which requires all companies doing business in Illinois to collect and remit legally required sales taxes.

House Bill 3659, The Main Street Fairness Bill, was a bipartisan initiative that passed both houses of the General Assembly with overwhelming support. This law will require all online retailers who connect with an affiliate in Illinois to collect sales tax on customer purchases and remit it to the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR). Illinois currently collects sales tax revenue from the more than 20,000 retailers with physical locations in the state, including online and catalog sales from these vendors.

Illinois’ main street businesses are critical to ensuring our long-term economic stability, which is why they must be able to compete with every company doing business online in Illinois. This law will put Illinois-based businesses on a level playing field, protect and create jobs and help us continue to grow in the global marketplace.

Per my request, the Alliance of Main Street Fairness (AMSF) has begun a website ( to help Illinois affiliates expand their customer bases. The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) will partner with the Illinois Retail Merchants Association and AMSF to provide growth opportunities, foster an environment to create more Illinois jobs and provide online shopping consumers with greater opportunities to save money.

Thank you for reaching out to me on this matter. Please feel free to contact me in the future with your questions. My office phone number is (217) 782-0244 or (312) 914-2121.


Pat Quinn

Pat Quinn

Now, why didn't they partner before they did this?


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Wayne Hudler Premium
It happened to me here in N Carolina last year. Still angry about that.

I do live less than 1 mile from upstate S Carolina where they haven't done this yet. So I have decided to look into having a SC business address. Only $14/mth. I should be able to make that work.

Thing is I heard SC is looking at doing the same thing so it may not last long for me there. Worth a try, I think.
jatdebeaune Premium
The affiliate merchants just drop you when sales tax is mandatory. The internet is not in any state. They ought to leave cyberspace alone. Can you get around it by incorporating in a state that doesn't have sales tax, like New Hampshire?
webkab Premium
Hello Dusan - Shall we pick this apart like for instance, foster an environment to create more Illinois jobs, or provide growth opportunities. Who wrote this and what are they drinking or smoking?
Let's move.
Labman_1 Premium
I'm guessing from what I see on your main street link that Amazon's letter was something to the effect of Hey, keep selling for us but we can't pay you for it. Time to Incorporate in Nevada.