Posts by DABK 113
Some writers annoy the pants off me.  Because they’re wordy and don’t even know it.  If you want more income, don’t be wordy without knowing it.  Here are some of my pet peeves: a considerable amount of       Why can’t you say many? Or better yet exactly                 how many? the vast majority of           &nb
January 29, 2011
I posted a comment on a blog yesterday.  Today, it was approved.  But they went a step farther.  At the bottom of my comment they add a line stating D has posted.... and they gave the full title to one of my posts that was fully hyperlinked. Usually, I get the comments merely approved.  I don't see the advantage to this site giving me back an extra link that has a different keyword phrase than the one I was going for with my comment. I'm enjoying it.  But can someone tel
That was the ad a French company who took over bus stop advertising in Chicago used to have.  Very clever.  Worked well too, but not too well.  I used to see the ad a lot (instead of the ads they were hoping to be paid to put).  Might not have been the headline.  Maybe it was the price, to sales process, the order form.  I don't know. But it was clever.  Clever is good... Sometimes.  It's best if you're straightforward, not too many hype adjectives. What w
I found one of the articles I wrote stolen and spun. Spun with sad yet hilarious results. Here are 2 paragraphs for you to see side by side.  I hope you don't do the same, don't use services that do the same.  If you provide accurate and complete information from the start, there shouldn't be problems. However, occasionally, there are things outside your control that can slow down the process. Such as, credit problems. (That's why it's best you get copies of your credit reports before
What do you put on your websites?  What words? How do you make them make the visitor buy from you? You write good copy, you give a preponderance of proof that your product solves the problem (or adds the pleasure) you claim it does. The most important part of copywriting is the research.  You need to really understand your visitors.  Because you need to tell them what features your product has, what advantages these features offer, what are the benefits the advantages offer. 
January 05, 2011
Only 4 success stories today.  There were 5 yesterday. No one's making a first sale anymore?  Someone post one, even a little one.  My heart really deserves it.
A lion met a tiger As they drank beside a pool Said the tiger, “tell me why… You’re roaring like a fool.” “That’s not foolish;” said the lion, With a twinkle in his eyes, “They call me king of all the beasts Because I advertise!” A rabbit heard them talking, And ran home like a streak. He thought he’d try the lion’s plan, But his roar was just a squeak. A fox, who happened on the scene, Had a fine lunch in the woods. The Moral? When you advertise, Just be sure you’ve got
I get questions from people in this forum, from clients.  I get objections and comments.  I'll spare you and just give you my conclusion/solution: If you honestly, most sincerely and truly want to make money as an affiliate, write down all the reasons why someone (from your target audience) should buy whatever it is you're promoting.  Then, for each reason you come up with, write an emotional reason that goes with the logical reason.  Then use both in your marketing. As wise
Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves.  They therefore remain bound.  James Allen, As A Man Thinketh.  
December 23, 2010
I think market segmentation is the way to go, gets you greatest results.  Came across a tutorial by ccmusicman ( [url][/url]) that's been around for over 1 year and a half but has got only 700+ views yet it has one great idea.  Read it, it's easy and clever and, above all, it will get you results galore.