About Danie Jones
Joined May 2012
Hi! My name is Danie and I am brand new to Wealthy Affiliate.
I'm really looking foward to the knowledge and experience I know I can gain here.
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splashduck Premium
Hi Danie, Hows it going for you here at WAU? As I look at your profile pic I can't help thinking how it would make a great portrait painting. Has a nice mood and atmosphere about it. Anyways I'm just passing through as I'm reading some blogs. Rob G:)
Adrian66 Premium
Hi Danie, thanks for following me and welldone on your success so far!. Adrian :))
Danie Jones Premium
Thank you for following me as well! And I look forward to hearing about all of your success. I think it's the motto here at WA, "Lets be successful together!". :) Thanks again!
Danie Jones Premium
Well, I am extremely happy to report that I am proud new owner of ParentingYourToddlers.com!!! I just purchased the domain and changed the DNS setting so the site is hosted by WA. I have to wait the necessary 24 hours for the DNS setting so be applied so, unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to set it up yet but, none the less I'm stoked! So glad to finally being on my way to building something rather that thinking and talking about building something.
firstborn Premium
nice one dannie i believe u are good with parenting its a good name keep it up little by little you will make it. pls keep me updated about future successes. u might inspire someone. thanks
Goldenlady Premium
Congratulations, Danie! I know how good that feels. I just set up my site also at www.greatfictionwriting.com. I wanted to share, too, that I have found that DNS settings are changed very rapidly, usually a lot quicker than within 24 hours. Mine were changed in less than thirty minutes.