Page Rankings: Check This Out!

Last Update: July 07, 2012
I currently have four live articles at Street Articles. I can tell by viewing my profile that I've gotten some traffic through all of them and a few clicks to my website. I couldn't help but be curious, though, as to where my articles are ranked with Google. So, I decided to take a look.


All of my articles have a first page Google ranking! I did a few simple searches and was easily able to find all four articles. Keep in mind, these are the first articles I have ever written. When searching the keywords I used for the articles to get "exact results" (using ( " ), the way the keyword research tool does) all of my articles were listed on the very first page. When searching them without the exact results terms they were all still ranked within the first ten pages (one was on page seven, the three others all ranked on page three).

I was so excited, I couldn't help but share this. I'm currently waiting for my first article about an affiliate product to be published at Street Articles so, needless to say, I'm stoked. With the rankings I been able to get with the very simple, primitive, and probably "not that great" articles I've written thus far, I can't wait to see what happens with the next.

Just thought I'd share this. I'm still working my way through the 30 Day Success Club (even though I've been with WA for almost sixty days now) and I truly feel like this is an accomplishment. I haven't made any money yet but, I don't want to ignore the little things. It didn't take me being here very long before I realized that making money isn't the only accomplishment you can achieve here. And, I look forward to every accomplishment to come (though, I am really excited at the "making money" aspect).

Wishing everyone great accomplishments and hoping you can rejoice in all your little or big successes the way I intend to! Thanks!
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Labman_1 Premium
Nice Stuff eh? Congratulations on your rankings. Keep up the good work. Keep in mind that Google will adjust your ratings based on your previous search history. If you do a search using Chrome and the incognito window you will see accurate untainted results.
jespinola Premium
Congrats Danie!!! Excellent Work
kyle Premium Plus
Nice work Danie and congrats on the rankings. Your hard work will continue to pay off. I look forward to hearing about your continuing successes!
clouiter Premium
Congratulations. I remember seeing my first article on google. It wasn't that long ago I'm still new too. Its an awesome feeling though. Keep it up.
georgejhaas Premium
Hi, Congratulations on getting your articles ranked in Google. I can remember when I did my first article and found it on Google. That was very exciting. It took me about 4 months after joining WA before I earned my first dollar. When I joined in 2009, they did not have the 30 Day club. They did not even have WordPress. Keep writing good quality content and you will start earning money for your efforts. Keep up the good work. George