Lacking Motivation? Try This!!!

Last Update: June 21, 2012
This post is specifically for the newbies here at Wealthy Affiliate like myself (the Veterans have been around long enough to utilize most of the resources available to them here). Are you lacking the motivation to be here? Feeling tired or lazy, maybe? Been plugging away for a while with no results?

Let me tell you something. I'm 22 years old, have a two year old son, and work a full time job. My day consists of getting up at four in the morning (I try but, don't always succeed) so I can have an hour to myself to write and work here at WA, get myself and my son ready to leave for the day, drop my son off at the sitter's, go to work for eight hours to put up with a boss I can't stand (while checking my WA account on breaks, by the way), leave work, go pick up my son, get home and get straight to cooking dinner for my family, followed by eating and feeding my son, cleaning the dinner dishes, spending at least a half hour of quality time with my son, followed by trying to get maybe an hour and a half of work done here at WA and on my site before giving my son a bath, and then finally going to bed for the night (hopefully some where around ten thirty).

Pretty grueling schedule, huh? This is my life day after day. It's difficult, it's trying, it's nothing if not tiring. Oh, and the weekends? Usually, just as busy. There's the never-ending errands, the major house cleaning, and the Sunday night dinner at my in-laws house. Most of my spare time is spent working on my online business. The closest thing I have to a social life now and days is when one of my husband's friends comes over for dinner or to play video games.

How do I do it? It's not how, but, why!

Yes, I have a busy life. However, that busy life doesn't stop me from dreaming of the days of freedom. It doesn't keep me from fantasizing about the day I can finally tell my boss everything I think about her, have my son home with me so I can spend all the time in the world with him, maybe take a vacation for the first time in the six years I've been in the work force, and do all of this still being able to pay my bills.

I manage all of these things willingly and happily because I haven't lost my ambition or my motivation, I haven't forgotten that the reason I came here was turn all of these dreams into realities. And one day that will be my reality, my promise to myself and my son.

So, if your lacking motivation or even just want to give yourself a little reminder of what your doing here? I want you take a about five minutes to do two great things for yourself.

One: stop thinking about what you haven't done or been able to accomplish yet, and think about why your here? What brought you here? What motivated you to decide to invest your time and money in this? I can't speak for everyone but, my motivations consist of financial freedom, being able to make more time to spend with my family when my "job" is finally out of the picture, going back to college to get my degree, and being able to give my son the life he deserves. To me, these are extremely powerful sources of drive. I've always been ambitious but, these are thing that keep me moving forward day after day. The things that remind me why I'm here and why I'm going to stay here until my goals have been accomplished. Don't forget your reasons for being here, they're to important to be forgotten.

Second: Take a look at some of the posts in the Success Forum here at WA. Now, when it comes to money and accomplishments, that's the best motivation you can get. Think about this, these are all fantastic success stories from people who started out just like you. People who are living their dreams because of the information and unyielding support they found here. I spent months researching different affiliate marketing products and groups before joining WA, and all of them were full of talk about overnight riches from people I don't know, can't talk to (even if I buy their product), and probably got the picture of "themselves" from Google Images. The people in the Success Forum? People right here at WA, people I can easily connect with, get advise from, and people who have nothing to gain from talking about their success here at WA. They do it because they want you to realize that you can make it, YOU CAN DO THIS!

And, in case this didn't occur to you, think about what a rare gift it is that they want to take time out their day to tell you what they've accomplished, and why you can accomplish this to. I'm sending out a big thank you to all of you because, this is where I'm going to go if I ever feel like throwing in the towel.

I've been at WA for just a little over a month now, have only made it to Day Eight in the 30 Day Success Club, and haven't made a dime yet.

But, I'm going full steam ahead. I refuse to give up my dreams, and I sincerely hope that you don't either.
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veronica.l Premium
Great post! With that mindset and dedication you will succeed keep working you will get there!!! Wish you the best of luck,

adamleo Premium
Awesome post Danie!! If you keep yourself in that frame of mind, you will go along way. Thanks for posting and good luck!!
opemot Premium
thanks so much for this
BIS Premium
Lovely post and a great example of how you can manage your life to take actons to fulfill your dreams.
Best wishes

jonart Premium
Go get em Danie! Pure inspiration.(well written too).