Matt Cutts and Eric Talk About What Makes a Quality Site

Last Update: July 13, 2012
Here is a really interesting and educational conversation with Eric Enge
Google's top engineer and Matt Cutts on what makes a "Good Quality Site" . . .

Please read the post on the following site here

Kyle even spoke on the topic of curation as Matt goes over it in minute detail as well. I believe this type of interview will shed some light on some common misconceptions people see and read out there on the net. After reading this post come back and let me know what you think about what your doing with your site. Does it add value? Is it tailored for your readers or people that are searching for your product or is it just written for the search engines. Being up to speed on what Google is doing is not the be all end all but its very very important to know if you are serious about an online business.
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Amy Farr Premium
Great interview. Excellent point about infographics being misused, you see it more and more.
Goes right back to day one of training here. Pick something you are passionate about. If you are just a publisher promoting something you have no interest or knowledge of, you can offer nothing to your consumer!
David_S Premium
Passion rules the game. No matter what niche your in your passion must show to your readers. You have to get them engaged and or excited.
slayton1s Premium
I might read it. I already have a good idea of what they're 'pushing' for & want. Just do it correctly and you're fine. That simple.
David_S Premium
For many of us yes we know what they want or 'pushing' but so many people are putting up blogs without the basic fundamentals of what is a real quality site and what value added benefits it should offer. Anyhow, it was a very good read.
This interview is an eye opener. strive to be different is the watch word
David_S Premium
It really is an eye opener for so many people who are new to online marketing. But it gives you a nice blue print for what they consider to be quality.
IveTriedThat Premium
This interview should be required reading for all Internet Marketers. Young or old.
David_S Premium
Your absolutely right about that. Matt does many interview but I thought this one was very relevant too all of us.
kyle Premium Plus
I agree. I am going to be incorporating this into the success club as it will simplify a good deal of "quality" aspects pf a site that many people seem to get most confused with.
Renni Premium
OMG...right from the horses mouth....pretty much reiterates what Kyle, Carson and Jay keep telling us...bookmarked and more.
David_S Premium
Yes, Carson and Kyle are very intelligent in the arena of what is right and what is wrong in the name of online marketing.