Street Articles Rocks!!

Last Update: July 14, 2012
Ever since I have been in the online marketing arena we have been taught to write articles for free traffic and easy rankings. After the recent Google changes these article sites don't really garner first page rankings like they used too. I had multiple page one rankings on EZine articles but they have somehow lost favor with google and the rankings are no longer.

After re- joining wealthy affiliate I was introduced to Street Articles. I thought well here is another site that I need to create articles for and is it really an article site that will perform well with all the recent article site changes regarding rankings. Well the simple answer is a resounding yes!

I created my account, then found some people to be in my tribe, of whom will share and comment on your articles as you will do with theirs. This can show that your articles are popular. There is no other article site that has this type of interaction.

So after reading Kyle's post about the organic baby milk ranking story I was hooked. I wrote one article and sent it to be approved. It was approved quickly and it was shared, read and commented on by others in the SA community which was awesome. I checked the article today to see where it was ranked on google. I was actually quite surprised to see it ranking in the top spot!

As you can see in the above screenshot, Street Articles performs very well. Since using Street Articles my business has seen a huge spike in my online business which is a very good feeling. if you are not using Street Articles yet I absolutely suggest you get started doing so. Kyle also just made a blog post yesterday, I think, 7-13-12 about his one article ranking for over 100 keywords, the main one being "How did Steve Jobs Die" Granted mine only ranks for one keyword, the point is if you do some in depth keyword research using Jaaxy you can get some page one rankings and a lot of traffic!
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Renni Premium
Congrats! It's all very amazing, isn't it? Thanks for sharing.
David_S Premium
It sure is, although its not a high traffic keyword it still is a nice feeling you have something here that can get your article in front of people who are looking for what you have to offer.
slayton1s Premium
From what I've learned, the only people you really have to worry about are big well optimized sites like:
SA's pretty epic though, especially with how fast they rank. I use other article directories to establish contacts, but I mainly just put all my articles on SA besides what I put on my site itself.

And just so you know.... "how to deal with a newborn baby cheaply" actually just has 9 results. You have to put quotation marks around it to really get the desired result. You're currently on the 3rd page of 'how to deal with a newborn baby' (which is a legitimate keyword people are typing in Google that's highly relevant to what your niche is about). You only have like 35 competitors on that keyword I believe but it receives up to 120 monthly traffic.

Here's where you can find it:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=38bd45c775ad7f67&biw=1092&bih=533.

To be honest with you, what I would've probably done was shorten the title up to 'Dealing with a Newborn Baby' and then use h2 tags within my article body like
- how to deal with a newborn baby
- deal with a newborn baby
- and so on...
But it's cool. ;) I'm just saying.

You can easily get higher rankings if you get more social media likes via your article, get people to like it and so on. It'll help you to Google + your article also so a picture shows up by your content. Not to advertise or anything, but if you type in How to Rank High with Street Articles on Google, you'll see the 1st result has a picture of me (I'm guessing Google updated there search engines to where only 1 result shows a pic of somebody since my pic doesn't show up by both).

It's easy once you understand the way the wind blows.

Good luck.
David_S Premium
I concur with your findings 100%. The point is this article was thrown together quickly and wasn't trying for any ranking involving how to deal with newborns, it was just article I was discussing a topic of debt and children. The Organic milk story, if I remember correctly didn't have a lot of exact competition but the fact that SA ranks fast and indexes quickly is what I wanted people to know as well. Plus I am just having fun writing articles for now.
slayton1s Premium
Yeah, Kyle & anybody else will tell you to mainly write for your audience. Google is only 1 factor in the seemingly infinite equation. I used a plugin once for Yoast (when I was learning about plugins), and learned you usually want your title to be 30 characters or less for full optimization with smaller keywords. It's a weird Google thing, but my belief is if you write something more than 30 characters via your title, the only thing you're probably going to rank well for is the 'whole thing'. Less than that, I believe you'll have a higher chance of ranking via a bunch of smaller keywords within the article body. This is just sort of a small thing I've picked up. I believe Google does this so people don't spam keywords within there titles & try to rank in Google with it.

The power of h2 tags are great. You can potentially get 500+ traffic just from h2 tags if you know what you're doing too. The keyword you went for in your article is an excellent example of ranking on low competition keywords that work, but another route you could've taken was tackle something with say a little more competition with the title keyword, then go after the title keyword you went after as a h2 tag. How I normally go after h2 tags is by bolding above a paragraph within my article body, then also italicizing that same keyword at the beginning part of my paragraph also. This puts emphasis on those 'extra keywords' and lets Google know to rank those well.

Good job with your ranking & good luck.
kyle Premium Plus
David this is awesome and it is great to see you have achieve such wonderful results using Street Articles. I agree with Beverley in that once you get a grasp of what is going on it is very easy to get 1st page rankings and to get them all the time through your SA submissions.

Keep the content quality high and experience continued success. That is really the core of all success, whether it is an article, a web page or a product. People are looking for quality. :)

Thanks for posting this story, I think this will act as an inspiration to many!
David_S Premium
Well Kyle it was your Organic Milk post that piqued my curiosity to get involved with Street Articles, so I actually thank you!
BIS Premium
Hi David

I agree with you that Street Articles - ranks very well and very quickly. It's very rarely now that I know what I'm doing that I don't reach the number one spot on google.

Great to hear that your efforts have caused a spike in your business. Congratulations.

David_S Premium
Hi Beverley,

I have to admit I was a bit curious and skeptical at first does SA really have that much authority and when I saw first hand that yes it does, it makes me want to create more articles. I have read your articles and you have a real gift Beverley. Thank you for commenting.