QOTD - Who Needs Affiliate Disclaimers?

Last Update: May 29, 2012
Hi Everyone!

I have never put an affiliate disclaimer on any of my sites whether I am promoting a CB eBook or a physical product. I'd be curious to know if you do.....

I realize in the US, the FTC came down hard on many affiliates and now I see disclaimers everywhere.

I'm Canadian... do I need to include disclaimers on my affiliate sites?


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suem Premium
Yes definitely think this is something we should be including but I always struggle with where to put it. I don't think it should be hard to find or else people might think you're trying to hide it but on the other hand if it's too prominent it could possibly have people running for the back button! It would be interesting to know where others show their's!
klrrider Premium
klrrider.com or uplowplateletcount.com... in the footers.
Deezdz Premium
I've been including, Privacy, About Me, Contact Me, but not an Affiliate Disclaimer. I'm going to be sure to add it to all my sites. I do like the looks of the 'Affiliate Disclaimer' link in the footer.

Where are you guys getting your affiliate disclaimers...surely everyone's not writing their own. Is there a site you can go copy and paste "generic" disclaimers and then just change the relevant info such as your website name?
klrrider Premium
I purchased a complete package from Auto Web Law a little over a year ago but since I have seen the verbiage available for free though I can't remember where. You should be able to Google it and find one. I use a text editors "search and replace" function to insert my site name and affiliations in the content. If you wish I can send you a AWL link but not acceptable behavior in this format. If I had it to do again I would get it done without spending any money. Here is a quick one I just found... http://disclosurepolicy.org/generator/generate_policy
klrrider Premium
I read about a year ago that they were part of Google's algo... site maps also. I guess you could call it necessary SEO. Set those pages for "index, no follow" if you are using Platinum SEO plug-in.
Deezdz Premium
Ok Robert...that explains a lot. When I tried a PPC campaign for this one particular site, Google suspended the campaign because my site didn't meet their requirements. This may be why! .....see, I learned something new again today. Thank you very much!
BIS Premium
I would be safe rather than sorry too.
yessharon Premium
I always put them on. I would rather be safe than sorry.